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Bursaries Closing in November 2024

Application Forms 2025-2026

Professional Child Care (Pty) Ltd

Professional Child Care (Pty) Ltd

Professional Child Care (Pty) Ltd started its life in 1991 and has been offering students quality education in child care with a broad range of courses and qualifications to choose from for a career in child care.

The training is of the highest quality and the college is accredited by the ETDP SETA to run skills development programs and SAQA to offer the FET certificate in Early Childhood Development with a National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 4 and level 5.

Professional Child Care (Pty) Ltd is also an affiliated member of The International Nanny Association with training aligned to the INA’s international standards.
The College has been awarded a B-BBEE Exemption Certificate with B-BBEE Procurement level: 4 and Contribution Level: 100%.

Learners are assured of individual attention with plenty of opportunity to interact with the staff and fellow learners in a welcoming, comfortable and caring environment.

The Professional Child Care College has been in Melville since its inception and is currently situated at 27 2nd Ave, these premises are light and bright and close to all taxi and bus routes with lots of safe parking. The college plans to expand further into communities where there is a high demand for child care services.

Graduates are in great demand and those with  Level 4 and 5 qualifications can register with the SA Council of Educators (SACE). This registration is required by all registered nursery schools.  Our students are found wherever there are children.
Some are employed in private homes creating a nurturing safe environment while parents are pursuing their careers.

Others are working in a variety of child care facilities from top of the range nursery schools to informal container crèches in areas like Orange Farm.
We are excited to say that many of our graduates have opened their own child care facilities and offer quality child care in markets where child care services were not previously available.

Professional Child Care (Pty) Ltd Courses

Crèche Assistant /Child Minder Course: To equip learners with skills enabling them to give sound care in a home situation or as an assistant in a crèche.
Advanced Crèche Assistant/Child Minder Course: To equip learners with skills enabling them to keep records and give reports on children in their care.
Basic Child Care Course: To provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to work as a professional nanny / au-pair with a family and/or as an educator for children aged 0-3 years in a crèche or playgroup.
Pre-School Course: To extend the Basic Child Care Course and to equip learners to work in a nursery school with children aged 3-6 years. To qualify learners at NQF Level 4 to teach. To promote individual and personal growth of each learner. To develop skills and knowledge regarding communication with parents and children.
Grade O Certificate Course: To equip learners with the skills necessary to work with Grade 0 children. To qualify learners at NQF Level 5 to teach
Grade 0 Diploma Course: To further equip learners with the skills necessary to work with Grade 0 children.  To qualify learners with a Diploma to teach grade 0 children.
School Administration & Management Course This course aims to create competent and confident school leaders.
Special Needs Course (Barriers to learning) Demonstrate how learning programmes can enhance the participation of learners with special needs.
Advanced Infant Care Course This course builds on the developmental knowledge from other programmes and focuses on Advanced Infant Care and stimulation of babies and toddlers in families and in the community.
Healthy Development Facilitator Course Heathy development – aimed at au-pairs and aftercare teachers who need to help the middle school child with home work, physical and emotional development. Helping the child who struggles with reading and homework.
Behaviour management guidelines and keeping the child creatively and industriously busy.

Professional Child Care (Pty) Ltd Contact

Physical Address:  27 2nd Ave Melville 2109 Johannesburg

Phone: 011 482 3378
Fax: 011 482 3394
Whats app: 0826124432
Postnet Suite 143,
Private Bag 9, Melville, 2109
27 2nd avenue melville

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