Tshwane University of Technology TUT Postgraduate – How To Apply

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Tshwane University of Technology TUT Postgraduate – How To Apply



Certain bachelor’s degrees in technology with a minimum duration of one year, the Bachelor of

Education (Honours) (BEd (Hons)), the Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE), the Higher Di- ploma: Higher Education and Training and the Bachelor of Education Honours in Early Childhood

Development and General Education and Training are currently presented in a number of academic departments as post-diploma qualifications.


It is the policy of the Tshwane University of Technology to ensure that effective and quality supervi- sion at postgraduate level is provided by qualified supervisors.

The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) offers the following master’s and doctorate pro- grammes:

Master’s Degree (HEQSF aligned).

Master’s Degree in Technology (Magister Technologiae).

Master’s Degree in Education (MEd).

Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) (HEQSF aligned).

Doctoral Degree (HEQSF aligned).

Doctorate in Technology (Doctor Technologiae).

Doctorate in Education (DEd).


8.3.1One-year post-diploma qualifications

A student will not be admitted to a one-year post-diploma qualification unless he or she is the holder of a suitable national diploma or an equivalent qualification in an applicable field.

8.3.2Master’s degrees (HEQSF aligned)

A student will not be admitted to a master’s degree (NQF Level 9 (HEQSF aligned)) un- less he or she is already in possession of a bachelor’s degree (NQF Level 8); bachelor honours degree (NQF Level 8); postgraduate diploma (NQF level 8); or a bachelor’s degree in technology (NQF Level 7), with possible supplementary course work as stated in the admission statements of each programme; or an equivalent qualification in a relevant field.

8.3.3Master’s degree in Technology (Magister Technologiae)

A student will not be admitted to enrol for a master’s degree in technology unless he or she is already in possession of a suitable bachelor’s degree in technology or an equivalent qualification in a relevant study field.

8.3.4Doctoral Degree (HEQSF aligned)

A student will not be permitted to enrol for a doctoral degree (NQF Level 10) unless he or she is already in possession of a master’s degree (HEQSF aligned) or an equivalent qualification in a relevant study field. For admission to specific doctoral qualifications, refer to relevant Faculty Pros- pectus admission requirements.

8.3.5Doctorate in Technology (Doctor Technologiae)

A student will not be permitted to enrol for a doctorate in technology unless he or she is already in possession of a master’s degree in technology or an equivalent qualification in a relevant study field.

Please note: prospective students must consult the relevant section of the latest Prospectus, as well as the publication Students’ guidelines for postgraduate study.


Prospectus 2017 – Students’ Rules and Regulations


8.4.1Unlessexplicitlystatedotherwise,theminimumperiodofstudyforone-yearpost-diplomaprogrammes,one-year B Tech programmes and BEd (Honours) programmes is one (1) academic year and the maximum is two (2) academic years, if offered to day-class students.

8.4.2The period of study allowed for a master’s degree is a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three

(3) academic years.

8.4.3The period of study for a structured master’s degree will vary depending on the structure of the programme.

8.4.4The period of study for a doctorate is a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of five (5) academic years.

8.4.5The readmission of a student who has already been registered for the maximum number of years and who has not yet completed his or her studies will be permitted only after the Head of the De- partment has interviewed the student, and the Faculty Committee for Postgraduate Studies has given written permission for further registration. After approval of extension, re-registration fees are payable annually by postgraduate students. The stipulations of rules 8.5.5 and 8.5.6 also apply.


8.5.1Admission to all programmes is subject to evaluation. No prospective student will be allowed to register for any programmes without prior evaluation.

8.5.2Registration for post-diploma qualifications, with the exception of postgraduate qualifications, takes place simultaneously with registration for the four-year B Tech degrees and the national diplomas.

8.5.3Prospective students for postgraduate studies must apply for admission to the relevant programmes and academic departments on the required application form before the official closing date. (Also see the publication Students’ guidelines for postgraduate study.)

8.5.4Registration for a postgraduate degree takes place before a set closing date for postgraduate registration.

8.5.5All students must register for each academic year within the registration period, and must make the required initial payment.

8.5.6Registration as a student is valid for one (1) academic year only. Should a student fail to register for the subsequent academic year, he or she has to apply for re-admission, register and pay the full amount (subject fee) required again.

8.5.7An annual administration fee is payable in respect of each period of registration until the student has completed his or her programme.

8.5.8It is a student’s own responsibility to register each year. Only registered students may receive service from their supervisors.



In this chapter, unless otherwise indicated –“status” means the recognition granted to an applicant to register for a programme if the applicant is not the holder of the required admission qualification or an equivalent qualification, but is the holder of another qualification on the same NQF level as that of the prerequisite qualification;


Prospectus 2017 – Students’ Rules and Regulations“equivalent qualification” means a qualification, completed at an accredited institution of higher education, which is not identical to the admission requirements of the programme but which is evaluated to be on the same NQF level, and of which the study content overlaps by at least 70% with that of the set admission requirement qualification; and“accredited institution of higher education” means one of the following:

A South African public institution of higher education.

A private provider of higher education, registered with the Registrar of Private Higher Educa- tion Institutions in accordance with section 54(2)(a)(i) of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) as amended.

An internationally accredited institution of higher education, accredited by its government as an institution of higher education, that is included in relevant handbooks (such as the Inter- national Handbook of Universities, published in association with the International Association of Universities).


Please refer to Chapter 30 for the applicable rules.


Please note: the relevant instructions and procedures are contained in the publication Students’ guidelines for postgraduate study, which is available on request.

8.7.1For postgraduate degrees, prospective students must first apply for admission to TUT Admissions Office, and then do the abstract (pre-registration evaluation) to get clearance to register.

8.7.2After the Departmental Research Committee has accepted a provisional project, the student may register, keeping in mind the provisions of rule 8.5.3.

8.7.3Registered students who have not yet passed the subject Research Methodology, will have to complete it, in consultation with the Head of the Department.

8.7.4After clearance to register, the student must submit the full research proposal to the Departmental Research Committee within reasonable time. The student and the supervisor will be required to submit a progress report every six months.


8.8.1When the student has progressed with the project to the satisfaction of his or her supervisor, the soft bound copy of the thesis or dissertation must be prepared. The dissertation or thesis must be typed and the layout must be the final version, which must comply with the set guidelines.

8.8.2The editing and the technical standard of the dissertation are the responsibility of the student and must comply with the norms contained in the publication Guidelines for the preparation of disserta- tions and thesis.

8.8.3Closing dates: 31 March for the Spring graduation ceremonies.

31 October for the Autumn graduation ceremonies.

8.8.4After assessment, the student must make the corrections as required by the supervisor and then prepare five (5) hardcover copies. All the copies, accompanied by the declaration of completion of studies, one (1) electronic copy, and a draft scholarly article for publication in a peer-reviewedjournal (master’s) or copies of at least one (1) scholarly article that has already been submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal (doctorate) must be handed in to the DRC for submission to the Faculty Committee for Postgraduate Studies.


Prospectus 2017 – Students’ Rules and Regulations

8.8.5These copies must be handed in before one of the following dates in order for the qualification to be conferred at the next graduation ceremony:

Before 31 July for the Spring graduation ceremonies.

Before 28 February for the Autumn graduation ceremonies.


8.9.1A student will pass a subject that has been set for a one-year post-diploma or postgraduate pro- gramme by obtaining a pass mark, or a final mark of 50% or more for that subject, subject to the provisions of rules 4.1.3 and 8.9.2, and by obtaining a final mark of 50% or more for a subject with its own alphanumerical code, subject to the provisions of rule 4.1.3: provided that he or she obtains the required subminimum of 40% in the assessment, or according to faculty specifications for the structured master’s degrees.

8.9.2Rules,,,,,,,, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5,

4.6, 4.7.3, 4.7.4, 4.7.5, 4.7.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.12, 4.13 and 9.1 apply mutatis mutandis.

8.9.3A student will pass a subject with distinction by obtaining a final mark of at least 75% in that subject. This implies that each separate module should also have been passed with a mark of at least 75%

(see rule 9.4).

8.9.4Students must obtain a pass mark in a research report, dissertation or thesis.

8.9.5The format of a dissertation or thesis must be according to the guidelines, the language must be edited, and it must be compiled and produced in accordance with the guidelines contained in the publication Guidelines for the preparation of dissertations and theses.


8.10.1Research-based master’s degrees

In order to be awarded a research-based master’s degree, a student has to comply with the follow- ing requirements:

A draft of at least one (1) scholarly article, ready for submission for publication in a peer- reviewed journal, preferably accredited (to be handed in with the final dissertation).

A dissertation to be assessed and passed by two (2) external assessors.

8.10.2Structured master’s degrees

In order for a student to pass the mini-dissertation, it has to be examined and passed by two (2) external assessors.


In order to be awarded a doctorate, a student has to comply with the following requirements:

– Copies of at least one (1) scholarly article that has already been submitted for publication in an accredited or peer-reviewed journal (proof that the journal has received these must be handed in with the copies of the final version or legal deposit copy of the thesis).

– A thesis to be assessed and passed by two (2) external assessors.

– A successful defence of the thesis.

Please note: faculties may add their own requirements, as approved by the Senate. All require- ments must be clearly stated in the Prospectus of each faculty.


Prospectus 2017 – Students’ Rules and Regulations


The copyright on a dissertation or thesis that is submitted to TUT in fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the requirements for a master’s degree or doctorate shall vest in the University, irrespective of whether such dissertation or thesis is accepted or not.

(a)The copyright should therefore be ceded. On registration, it is pointed out to the student that, on signing the form (PGS010), the entire copyright is ceded to TUT, unless if, in exceptional circumstances, exemption from cession of copyright is applied for and granted. Fully substanti- ated reasons must be submitted with applications for exemption.

If a dissertation or thesis is not accepted, the student may apply to the University for the ceding of copyright back to him or her.

(b)No dissertation or thesis or any part thereof, including any summary of the dissertation or any part thereof, shall be printed or published without the permission of the Registrar. Such permission may be granted, subject to –

reference being made in the published work to it having been submitted to TUT in the form of a dissertation or thesis;

one or more copies of the published work being handed in at the University; and

such changes being effected as may be recommended by the supervisor, examiners or others, and such other conditions being met as the University may deem fit from time to time.

If permission is granted to a student to publish his or her dissertation or thesis, the publication of the work must be carried out in consultation with his or her supervisor.


8.12.1Postgraduate candidates who are not satisfied with the outcome of the final marks for their research reports, dissertations or theses may submit written appeals to the Executive Dean of the faculty concerned.

8.12.2The Executive Dean of the faculty and relevant Head of the Department will decide on the merit of an additional assessment option. Where an additional assessment is introduced, no further as- sessments will be conducted after the calculation of a new fixed mark.


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