Durban University of Technology Chiropractic

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Durban University of Technology Chiropractic

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a health profession specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders affecting the bones, joints, muscles and nerves in the body.

Chiropractors essentially rely on non-invasive treatment methods, which may include manipulation, trigger point therapy, ultrasound and electrotherapies, heat and cold therapy, hydrotherapy, traction, acupressure, muscle stretches, rehabilitative and strengthening exercises. Where necessary chiropractors refer patients to other medical practitioners should medication or surgery be indicated. This approach is further reinforced by chiropractors in their promotion of healthy lifestyles such as the avoidance of smoking and excess stress, proper diet and exercise.At the Chiropractic Day Clinic treatment is available to the public by students completing their Masters Degree in Technology of Chiropractic. Students are overseen by qualified chiropractic clinicians. Research is also conducted by the Masters Degree chiropractic students at the Clinic. Reduced cost / free treatment is available to those patients that meet the criteria for the particular study. For more information on research currently being carried out contact the Chiropractic Day Clinic.

The Chiropractic Day Clinic offers a quality service delivery based on the principles outlined above to patients (staff, students and the general public) using state of the art equipment.

Chiropractic Day Clinic

Treatment (by appointment only) is available to the public at reduced rates by students completing their Masters Degree in Technology of Chiropractic. Students are overseen by qualified chiropractic clinicians.
Patients are scheduled by appointment to ensure that optimal patient services are being rendered. Therefore patients need to phone and make a booking at the Chiropractic Day Clinic.

Please note that the clinic is open from 8:30 through 17:30 daily.

The Clinic reception staff will ensure timeous and efficient patient bookings. Costs for the Chiropractic Clinic are available HERE These prices will be confirmed on making a booking. All payments must be made at the Chiropractic Day Clinic on the Ritson Road Campus. The payments can only be made in cash and a medical aid statement for claiming against your medical aid will be provided to you on a monthly basis.

Unfortunately, the clinic is unable to offer reports for the following:
– Road Accident Fund claims
– Workman’s Compensation claims/ Injury on duty claims and/or the generation of any Medico/Legal reports for any reason

What The Procedures of The Clinic Are

Patients are scheduled by appointment to ensure that optimal patient services are being rendered. Therefore patients need to phone and make a booking at the Chiropractic Day Clinic.
Please note that the clinic is open from 8:30 through 17:30 daily.
The Clinic reception staff will ensure timeous and efficient patient bookings.
Clinic prices will be confirmed on making a booking.
All payments must be made at the Chiropractic Day Clinic on the Ritson Road Campus.
The payments can only be made in cash and a medical aid statement for claiming against your medical aid will be provided to you on a monthly basis.

Clinic Contact details

The following contact details can be used for any patient bookings and/or queries:
Contact person: Mrs Pat van den Berg
Telephone number: 031 373 2205
Contact e-mail:

Commonly treated conditions

  • Headaches, including migraines
  • Muscle pain and spasm
  • Sinusitis
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Neck pain
  • Mid-back pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Hip and Leg pain
  • Pinched nerves
  • Slipped discs
  • Knee and Foot disorders
  • Shoulder and Elbow disorders including Tennis elbow
  • Arthritis
  • All Sports injuries
  • Recreational and Work-related injuries
  • Prevention of injuries

Treatment may include one or more of manipulation, trigger point therapy, ultrasound and electrotherapies, heat and cold therapy, hydrotherapy, traction, acupressure, muscle stretches, rehabilitative and strengthening exercises.

Clinic Location

11 Ritson Road (by rear entrance)

Wheel chair accessibility is available should it be required


Patient Information

Additional treatment information for patients is available… (Read more)

Chiro clinic Web flyer


Clinic operating times

Operating hours for the Clinic are
Monday to Friday (08:30 to 17:30).

Clinic Rates and Tariffs

  • 5th year students:
    • R110 for approximately 2 ½ hour initial consultation
    • R80 for approximately 60 minute subsequent follow up treatments
  • 6th year students:
    • R130 for approximately 2 hour initial consultation
    • R100 for approximately 45 minute subsequent follow up treatments
  • Registered students of Durban University of Technology pay only R50 per consultation.

All consumables (eg needles): Prices are available on request at the reception desk.

Only full cash payments are accepted.
Monthly statements are available for medical aid claims.

Research at the Chiropractic Day Clinic

Research is conducted by the Masters Degree chiropractic students at the Clinic. Free treatment is available to all who meet the criteria for the study. For more information on research currently being carried out click contact the Chiropractic Day Clinic.

Community Service and Sports Events

Community service projects are coordinated through the Chiropractic Day Clinic.
Chiropractic staff and students also offer voluntary services at sporting events such as Comrades Marathon.

Should you require assistance at an upcoming community project or sports event, please feel free to contact the Clinic Director, Dr. C. Korporaal on 031 373 2611 or email at least one month prior to the event.

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