About George Campbell School of Technology

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About George Campbell School of Technology

George Campbell School of Technology  seeks to provide students with a unique education and preparation for the demands of a changing Technological world.  The School offers specialisation in three Fields of Engineering and recognises the importance of Mathematics, Computer and Information Technology.

Our academic focus vests firmly on the Technological sector which we see as the quintessential element in promoting social and economic development in our democracy.

Our aim on a micro scale at school level, is to expose our students to an academic environment which facilitates the opportunity to acquire practical skills and take useful knowledge into Tertiary study or the world of work, thereby enabling a meaningful contribution to the commercial sector.

Intrinsic to the  School’s philosophy in pursuing educational enhancement is the concept that it should seek relevance with Industry, both within and beyond the prescriptions of the Curriculum.  It is this stance which informs our Employement and Social Responsibility Programme.  The School has developed a relationship with a cross-section of Business in the Technological Sector who welcome applications from our learners.


The School dates back to 1910 when it was started as the Day Continuation School and was part of Glenwood High School and attached to the Durban Technical College.

The present premises in Brickhill Road Durban opened in 1963 with the name “George Campbell Technical High School”, the school being named after a prominent Durbanite, Dr George Campbell, who had worked tirelessly for the introduction of a technical high school. The School has always offered only a technical education. A few years ago, to fill an apparent need, the school became  co-educational and dual medium. Girls and boys are offered exactly the same courses. There is an Afrikaans medium class in each of the grades.

In 2003 the name of the school was changed to “George Campbell School of Technology”.


As most of us are aware, the object of creating Houses in the school environment is to engender a spirit of comradeship and competition among the learners and to instill in each a sense of belonging, irrespective of whether or not they actually participate in any particular activity.  On arrival at the school, learners are assigned to one of the four Houses for the duration of their stay at the school.  Learners quickly develop a fierce loyalty towards their  Houses.

It is often the practice of schools, when naming their Houses, to opt for glamorous or bold epithets that evoke thoughts of brave deeds by heroic characters as they triumph against overwhelming odds. Undoubtedly, the clash of steel against steel and the awe-inspiring war cry of legions of warriors marauding across open plains is enough bring out the derring-do in any would-be competitor but, there are other heroes equally deserving of a place in history; those who have dedicated their lives to the upliftment of their fellowmen.  And, it is to these men of honour that our school turned, when naming our Houses.   Sir Francis Bacon once said that, “knowledge is power” and if this is so, our school has chosen wisely.


Named after Dr. Samuel George Campbell, founder of the Natal Technical College in 1907, and father of the founder of our school, Dr. George Campbell, Dr. Samuel Campbell was a true humanitarian in every sense of the word. He served the people of South Africa and Natal with great distinction. An examination of some of the deeds he performed reads like an of adventure straight out of a John Buchan or H. Rider Haggard novel. The accolades and honours that Dr. Campbell earned were numerous and the esteem in which he was held, bears testimony to his character and integrity and we, as a school, are honoured to have one of our houses named after him.


This House took its name from Dr. Benjamin Mason Narbeth, a native of Wales who was awarded his B.Sc. by the University of Cardiff in 1909, after which he emigrated to South Africa to take up the post of Principal of the Natal Technical College in Durban until 1933. He founded the Natal Teachers’ Society and was also appointed to the Natal Education Commission which he served for almost 20 years. He served Natal in many other capacities as well and with his deep religious convictions, he also undertook mission work. Dr. Narbeth was a pillar of the community and a credit to our country. We are proud of our association with him.


Senator Charles Phineas Robinson was born in England in 1866. Between the years 1889 and 1892, he was a solicitor in the English Supreme Court before emigrating to the Argentine. He eventually arrived in Natal in 1896. He was a founder member of the Natal Technical Council in 1907, as well as serving in the Natal Legislative Assembly. He succeeded Dr. Sam Campbell as second President of the Natal Technical College Council from 1926 to 1935 when he handed over the reins to Dr. George Campbell. Between the years 1889 and 1892, he was a solicitor in the English Supreme Court before emigrating to the Argentine. He eventually arrived in Natal in 1896. Most of his time in South Africa was devoted to the improvement of education in Natal and we are privileged to be associated with his name.


Our fourth House is named after another Welsh-born immigrant and academic, Dr. John Townley Williams. Unlike the others, Dr. Williams came to Natal via the Transvaal where he honed his skills in business administration in the coal and gold mining industries. He was instrumental in turning Natal into a major coal exporter. He served as a member of numerous coal committees, societies, commissions, institutes, associations, collieries and boards.

Dr. Williams was also instrumental in the establishment of the Natal Technical College and served on the College Council for 18 years both as Treasurer and Vice-President. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of South Africa in 1935 for his work on behalf of the Natal Coast Industry and his services to higher education. His involvement in various charitable causes earned him the respect of his peers and we are proud to have his name associated with our school.

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