UFH Online Application 2025-2026 – How to Apply

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University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application 2025-2026

UFH Application Breakdown

Note: Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible in the application cycle.  Applications close at the end of October.

Apply to UFH using the online application

Things to note before applying online to UFH:

  1. You’ll need an email address to complete the application.
  2. South African applicants will need an ID number.  Foreign applicants will need their passport number.
  3. All applicants will need to pay a non-refundable application fee of R80.
  4. You’ll need to upload your deposit slip together with the other required documents.

How to Apply Online

UFH has one online application portal for new applicants as well as returning students.

  • Undergraduate Online Application Form

Apply to UFH using the hardcopy application

Things to note before applying with a hardcopy form:

  1. There are two separate forms for undergraduate and postgraduate applicants.
  2. The application fee for hardcopy applicants is R120.
  3. For postgraduates, late applications will be accepted until 31 December and an application fee of R250 will be charged.
  4. A certified copy of your requirements will need to be attached to your application.  This includes your deposit slip.
  5. Need accommodation?  You will need to indicate if you do and complete the application for student accommodation.

You can send your completed application form to one of the following addresses:

The Registrar
University of Fort Hare
Private Bag X1314

The Registrar University of Fort Hare
Private Bag X9083
East London

Apply to UFH Residence

NOTE:  You can apply for student accommodation when you submit your application form which will require an application fee of R120.  Once accepted into student accommodation, you will need to pay a deposit of R1000 before 31 December.

UFH Application and Acceptance Process

The application form must be completed in detail and signed by the student and his/her parent or guardian if he/she is a minor.

Once the form has been completed it must be sent to the Registrar by the date stipulated below, together with the prescribed application fee (R120.00). The final decision regarding the admission of an undergraduate candidate will be taken in January, when the Grade 12 results are available. The University will confirm the candidate’s admission in writing.

Click here to download the Application Form.

Application Fees for UFH

All applicants who apply online will need to pay an application fee R80.   Applicants who apply using the hardcopy application process will need to pay an application fee of R120.  Late applications from postgraduates will be accepted until 31 December and have a late application fee of R250.

The residence application fee is R120 for all applicants.

Submitting of Results and Documents

Here’s the deal: you must ensure that your latest set of results is submitted. Failure to do this may result in delays with your application process. Not cool.  All the documents you attach will need to be certified copies of the originals.

You will receive an SMS which will indicate your status and after that, a letter of confirmation will be sent to you.  Current matrics will get confirmation after their final matric marks are available.

Contact University of Fort Hare:

For more information on how to apply to UFH, you can visit their website.

Alternatively, you can contact the UFH Admissions Department using the following details:

Alice Campus:
Tel: 040 602 2011

Bhisho Campus:
Tel: 040 608 3407

East London:
Tel: 043 704 7000

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