How Can I Apply for Disability in South Africa

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Application forms are not accessible online, but you can obtain them from the (SASSA) office that is closest to you.


About a disability grant

You can apply for a disability award if your physical or mental condition renders you unable to work for more than six months.

If your handicap will stay longer than a year, you will receive a permanent disability grant; if it will last for a continuous period of between six and twelve months, you will receive a temporary disability grant. A permanent disability grant indicates that it will continue for more than a year but does not imply that you will always get it.


How can you tell if you’re eligible?

To be eligible, you must:

be between the ages of 18 and 59, a South African citizen, permanent resident, or refugee, and be residing in South Africa at the time of application.

possess a 13-digit, bar-coded ID card (ID)

not make more than R86 280 for single people and R172 560 for married people.

not possess assets worth more than R1 227 600 if you’re single or R2 455 200 if you’re married. undergo a medical examination to determine the extent of your handicap from a state-appointed physician.

Bring any prior medical reports and records with you when you submit your application and during the assessment.

The medical report will be completed by the physician and sent to the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA).


After the date of your assessment, the report is valid for three months.


Note: Your primary caregiver may apply for a Care Dependency Grant if you are under 18 and require ongoing care due to a disability. If you don’t have an ID, you’ll need to fill out an affidavit and show evidence that you applied for the necessary paperwork with the Department of Home Affairs. Within three months of submitting your grant application, if you haven’t yet applied for an ID, you must.


What will you receive?

The utmost amount per month is R1 980.


You’ll get paid in what way?

You’ll receive payment for a grant in one of the ways listed below:

cash at a certain pay location on a specific day electronic deposit into your bank account, including Postbank (the bank may charge you for the service), a facility not sponsored by the State, such as a home for people with disabilities.


When is it possible to revoke your grant?

Your grant may be revoked for the reasons listed below:

When you fail to cooperate when your grant is evaluated, when you conduct fraud or self-deceit, or when there was an error when your grant was authorized. When your circumstances influence the conclusion of a review.


How soon can your grant expire?

The grant will expire if you: die; are admitted to a state institution; do not submit a claim for three months straight; or leave the country.


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