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How Much Does An IT Technician Earn in South Africa?

The Salary of an IT Technician in South Africa


IT jobs are careers in information technology that involve analyzing systems, computer programming and providing computer support. IT professionals work in a variety of roles, including technical support, website design, programming and computer engineering.


HOW MUCH DO IT techs make in South Africa?

On a general note, IT technician salary in South Africa is R 192 000 per year or R 98.46 per hour. Entry-level positions start at R 156 000 per year, while most experienced workers make up to R 338 470 per year.


How much does a junior IT technician earn in South Africa?

The average junior it technician salary in South Africa is R 156 000 per year or R 80 per hour. Entry-level positions start at R 144 000 per year, while most experienced workers make up to R 180 000 per year.

What is a computer technician salary in South Africa?

Basically, the average computer technician salary in South Africa is R 180 000 per year or R 92.31 per hour. Entry-level positions start at R 150 002 per year, while most experienced workers make up to R 2 160 000 per year.

How much does an entry level IT job pay in South Africa?

Generally, the average IT specialist in South Africa salary is around R 786 245 per year or R 403 per hour. Entry-level positions start at R 360 000 per year, while most experienced workers make up to R 8 527 800 per year.


Do you need a degree to be an IT tech?

The myth that you need a degree to get into IT is far gone, that’s no more. Also, if you’re thinking about changing your career, you should know that: More than 25% of IT professionals don’t have college degrees. Your skills from your current career are transferable. Certifications, soft skills and experience will impress hiring managers.

What are the courses in need to take to become an IT Technician in South Africa?

Here some of the courses you will be require to study to become an IT Technician in South Africa:

  • Information technology system analysis
  • Information security
  • Data networking
  • Information technology system risk assessment
  • Computer administration.

Is information technology a good career in South Africa?

Currently, in South Africa, the number one career that is in demand is Information Technology. The I.T. skills are in high-demand and the acquisition of these skills is surpassing the supply. Highly-skilled Developers and specialist Engineers are demanding extremely high salaries.


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