Injabulo Community

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Injabulo Community

Injabulo Community Care has expanded to the district of Metsweding, which has now been incorporated into Tshwane and is rendering the following services:

* Care for Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC)
* Adult Education & Training
* Activism against the abuse of Women & Children
* Community / Home Based Care
* Support and supervision of patients diagnosed with TB- DOTS
* Skills Development & Empowering of Women
* Distribution of condoms to the sexually active person, in the prevention of HIV / AIDS and the various types of STI.
* Voluntary Counseling & Testing (VCT) to determine the HIV status
* Health Counseling & Testing (HCT) B/P, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Body mass & Health Education

Injabulo CommunityVISION

Education for Health and the eradication of Poverty.Education of the Youth and Empowering the Nation.

Injabulo Community MISSION STATEMENT

The mission of Injabulo Community Care as a non-profit organization is to:
1) Replace the state of Vulnerability and ignorance with Resilience and a strong academic back ground.
2) Promote strength and self determination in the women in order to resist and fight abuse in all forms.
3) Instill in all the spirit of entrepreneurship through skills development.
4) Educate and train health care givers who will be able to render excellent health care and health education and guidance in their communities and in the homes of the residents.
5) Daily monitoring of the sick within the community
6) DOTS support to patients diagnosed with TB and on Anti TB medication.
7) Preventive Health and door to door campaigns in the communities and surrounding areas.
8) Ensure the continuation of health care within the homes of the people after being discharged from the hospital
9) Promote the rehabilitation of patients after trauma or accidents and debilitating illness.
10) Support and guidance to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) after the death of parents
11) Support of Child Headed and Youth Headed House Holds
12) Admission and care of the terminally ill patients in the Hospice.
13) Reduce the percentage of adult illiteracy through Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET).
14) Promote the access to institutions of learning and employment through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
15) After school drop in centre. Home work supervision and assistance

Injabulo Community VALUES

Injabulo Community Care renders care based on the following values:
Innovative Integrated care to all its clientele / beneficiaries
Compassionate care that has a Christian base and is
Cross Cultural in order to meet the needs of the divergent groups in South Africa
Admission of patients who are terminally ill to ensure a dignified death and bereavement as well as support to orphans,
family and friends.
Rehabilitation of the patient after prolonged illness, trauma and accidents
Evaluation of the care and the services rendered on a continual basis, to ensure and promote Quality care.

Injabulo Community  PROGRAMMES

1) Care for the Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC)
2) Direct Observed Treatment Strategy support (DOTS) patients-diagnosed with TB.
3) Community / Home Based Care, for the terminally ill and dying.
4) Support Groups for:
4.1 HIV / AIDS,
4.2 Mental Health,
4.3 Chronic degenerative diseases.
5) Voluntary Counseling & Testing ( VCT & HCT)
6) TB care and support
7) Adult Education and Training (AET)
8) Food support through vegetable gardens
9) Education and training in CHBC
10) Education & Training in Community Health Work
11) Skills development
12) Empowering of Women.

Injabulo Community OBJECTIVES

Through the implementation of the above programmes the following objectives must be achieved:
1) Reduction in the rate of unemployment
2) Improve the health of the residents of the community and surrounding areas
3) Reduce illiteracy amongst the older persons of the area through ABET
4) Ensure that the Care givers rendering Home Based care in the community are educated and trained to render quality care.
5) Persons diagnosed with TB and on medication take their medication regularly and get cured.
6) People who are HIV positive get support and live a healthy life
7) The Orphans receive care and support developing normally and complete their schooling successfully.
8) Relatives of the terminally ill patients get a respite whilst their relative is admitted to the hospice
9) After trauma and accidents the patient is helped to regain his / her normal functioning through the process of rehabilitation.
10) Promote employment and admission to educational institutions through RPL
11) All people being in a position to know their status.
12) Healthy lifestyle for all residents.
13) Reduction in the rate of HIV / AIDS and STI infections

Definition: The children who have been orphaned after their parents died from HIV/AIDS and related infections. These children are vulnerable because their parents are sick and unemployed and cannot provide for their basic needs.
ICCare provides the children with the following services
* After school drop in centre – Hot plate of food for OVC on Monday to Friday
* Supervision & assistance with homework
* Psycho social development, substituting Vulnerability with Resilience.
* Poverty alleviation
* Skills development
* OVC protection and safety whilst promoting growth and development

Injabulo Community Contact

Contact person: Rinkie Mentoor
Phone: 012 806 7382
Fax: 012 806 7382
Physical address: 223 Perry Avenue, Eersterust
Postal address: P O Box 41213, Eersterust, 0021

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