List Of Brewing Science Schools In South Africa 2025-2026
Brewing Science involves biology, chemistry, mechanics and physics. It is also an art. Great home brewers are like great chefs. They use all their skills and knowledge, including science, but ultimately they rely on their imagination to craft wonderful creations that will be enjoyed by themselves and their friends.
Where can i study Brewing Science In South Africa?
UCT Diploma in Brewing
University of Pretoria Opaque Beer Brewing
What qualifications do I need to be a brewer?
Entry requirements To start as a trainee brewer you’ll usually need a degree in a relevant subject like chemical engineering, food science or technology, microbiology or chemistry. You’ll also usually need experience in a management role and some knowledge of, or experience in, brewing and distilling.
How much do brewmasters make?
Salary. Top-earning brewmasters can make as much as $100,000 a year at a national brewery, whereas those working for a craft brewpub can earn as little as $25,000 annually, as of 2012. The national average, however, puts the annual mean for a master brewer between $30,000 and $50,000.
What does a technical Brewer do?
A technical brewer is one of the most senior positions in the beer production process and in the beer industry job landscape. They are responsible for a wide range of technical and managerial tasks including overseeing the brewing process, managing teams and maintaining brewing equipment.