Prodigy Business Services (Pty) Ltd

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Prodigy Business Services (Pty) Ltd

Prodigy Business Services was established in 1999, and has gained significant repute for its excellence in service delivery. Prodigy’s belief is that people matter, and that people are at the heart of organisational success. As such we offer services that collectively enable an organisation to develop and sustain its talent. Thus our consulting services inform our implementation services, and vice versa, ensuring that Prodigy’s solutions are credible, and leading edge.
Prodigy is uniquely poised to provide the following services:

* Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
* Skills research
* Impact Evaluations
* Training

Our successful output stems from a unique combination of distinctive capabilities:

Prodigy is an accredited RPL and Assessment Centre (Services SETA)

Prodigy has extensive knowledge and experience in working with clients from the public, private and international business sectors in delivering effective skills solutions.

Prodigy is equipped with a strong team of project managers, assessors, researchers, facilitators and analysts that are needed to produce practical and innovation skills interventions.
Prodigy is reputed in having conducted the first impact learnership evaluation for the Business Trust, has been the certification partner for the property and labour recruitment industries, and is the first provider to conduct RPL for the real estate industry. Prodigy has also formulated the Sector Skills Plans for INSETA, Services SETA, National Business Initiative, POSLEC SETA (now SASSETA), HWSETA and MAPPP SETA.

At Prodigy Business Services we are passionate about people development and broader transformation goals…we aim to grow clients, and we strive to deliver customised solutions. This kind of commitment is rare. If delivering leading edge skills solutions and practical RPL interventions are foremost on your mind, please discuss your
skills-based services options with us.

Prodigy has positioned itself as the pre-eminent provider of Recognition of Prior Learning. Prodigy has an experienced team of project managers that are well equipped to manage RPL across a range of industries. Prodigy is accredited with the Services SETA as an RPL Centre, as well has extension of scope with other SETAs.

Prodigy Business Services (Pty) Ltd Training Programmes

  •  FETC Real Estate NQF 4 (SAQA ID 59097)
    * FETC Real Estate NQF 4 (SAQA ID 24554)
    * NC Contact Centre Support NQF 2 (SAQA ID 21793)
    * NC Generic Management NQF 4 (SAQA ID 23654)
    * NC Generic Management NQF 3 (SAQA ID 23654)
    * FETC Management NQF 4 (SAQA ID 23656)
    * NC Trade Exhibition Support NQF 3 (SAQA ID 49447)
    * NC Hiring Services and Support NQF 3 (SAQA ID 48887)
    * NC Mail Handling NQF 3 (SAQA ID 48663)
    * FETC Mail Supervision NQF 4 (SAQA ID 48664)
    * FETC Postal Frontline Services NQF 4 (SAQA ID 48666)
    * NC Postal Frontline Management (SAQA ID 48662


* Financial Services NQF 2


* NC Mechanical Engineering: Fitting and Machining NQF 3 (SAQA ID 23255)
* NC Tyre and Tyre Component Manufacturing NQF 4
* (SAQA ID 48799)
* NC Plastics Manufacturing NQF 5 (SAQA ID 49448)
* NC Power and telecommunication cable manufacturing NQF 2 (SAQA ID 21011)
* NC Metals Production NQF 2 (SAQA ID 49018)


NC Public Administration NQF 3 (SAQA ID 57804)


NC Plant Operations NQF 2


GETC Transport NQF 1 (SAQA ID 35953)

Through our extensive experience in implementing RPL since 2000, we have developed a unique methodology entitled INTEG8OR, which balances a practical learner-centred approach with ETQA compliance. Our RPL approach is supported by robust communication, candidate and employer support, effective facilitation, a sound quality management system and industry assessors.

Prodigy Business Services (Pty) Ltd RPL tools are aligned to both the industry as well as to the company, and is based on an integrative and interactive assessment methodology. The fact that Prodigy has conducted the first RPL project for the Real Estate Industry as well as won the tender to pilot RPL for MERSETA is testament to this. In 2007, Services SETA awarded Prodigy the Baobab award for the “The Best RPL Project”, validating Prodigy’s capability to successfully deliver a credible RPL intervention.

Prodigy head office:
011 832 1220/1

PO Box 2136
Rivonia, 2128
(T)  011 832 1220/1
(F) 0866 131 309
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Prodigy Business Services (Pty) Ltd

Business & Strategy Discussion :
Nerishni Shunmugam

Prodigy Business Services (Pty) Ltd
General Enquiries all Service Areas:
Varish Ganpath

RPL ( Real Estate)
Emmy Di Rito:

RPL ( FAIS & Financial Services:
Audrey Nyengerai

Training & RPL
Prema Naiker:

Skills research, Skillsmatters Benchmarking:

Impact Evaluation
Caroline Nyengerai:

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