Roseway Waldorf School Waldorf Kindergarten

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Roseway Waldorf School Waldorf Kindergarten

Our kindergarten children’s sense of perception is nurtured. Their capacity for wonder and reverie is fostered.

Seasonal plays and festivals are shared with the community. Our activities are carefully chosen to prepare the children – both physically and cognitively – to face the exciting world of primary education.

We have a particular interest in developing the hearts, hands, and minds of the children so that they are able to learn and create.

A child’s education is a foundation for life. For that foundation to be strong, education must be a partnership between parents and teachers. We therefore view parent/teacher contact as essential. The parents’ evenings which parents are expected to attend, give parents the opportunity to hear about important stages in their child’s development and voice any queries. Parents’ questions and active participation is welcomed. Young children have faith and trust in the people near to them and in their first years believe in the goodness of the world. During these years the nurturing of all the child’s senses should be cherished and protected. The child’s capacity for wonder and reverence is also fostered by the kindergarten. Stillness, peace and awareness of nature are an essential part of wonder. Children deeply experience sunlight and darkness, rain and fires, cool grass and muddy puddles!

Great emphasis is placed on the quality of the kindergarten surroundings. Within these rooms there is an apparent gentleness in which great strength is hidden. All activities are carefully chosen to strengthen the children far more than the traditional “toughening up” approach. The toys are largely unformed, sturdy and of natural materials. In the classroom, you will find dressing up clothes, clothes-horses and cloths for building houses and ships; pieces of wood, beautiful shells and fir-cones with which to create little villages and landscapes.

In the daily creative play time, the children often re-enact what they have experienced. They embrace play wholeheartedly and transform the classroom to meet their needs.

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