South African Institute of Security
The South African Institute of Security is committed to raising and maintaining the level of excellence and professional competence of security practitioners, through:
- skills development training (Sector Safety and Security Training and Education Authority), diplomas/degrees through the University of South Africa (UNISA) and bursary schemes;
- implementing our Code of Ethics;
- encouraging the advancement of technology;
- enhancing the credibility, reputation and ethos of our membership by upholding high standards of qualification and enrolment;
- providing a career structure for the security industry through recognition of professional examinations for the levels of Graduate, Member and Fellow;
- liaising with business, industry, commerce, government departments, public bodies, professions, academic institutions and other associations;
- printing and distributing books, pamphlets, papers and articles of the activities of the Institute and security profession;
- inspiring trust among the public at large by raising issues that focus on their needs for safety and security.
Membership Benefits
We encourage role players and stake holders to join the Institute and enjoy the benefits of membership:
- Independent and objective evaluation of your status as a security professional according to the membership grades of the Institute.
- A variety of networking opportunities within the Private Security Industry through: regular lunch seminars with high profile speakers and topical workshops.
- Regular communication with members regarding training, education and development, and other issues that affect the security industry.
- Being a member of a professional body within the security industry.
- Access to the latest information regarding security training, education and development in South Africa and internationally.
South African Institute of Security Membership
Membership of the Institute is available to those who are able to satisfy the Board that they are engaged in the profession of protective security, either in the public or private sectors. Proof of such employment will be required from the applicant.
Two personal referees of good standing are also required. These referees should have intimate knowledge of the applicant, his/her involvement in protective security, and his/her ethical standards.
The following levels of membership are offered:
- Fellows (F.I.S. [SA])
- Members (M.I.S. [SA])
- Graduates (Grad.I.S. [SA])
- Associate Members (A.M.I.S.[SA])
- Junior Graduates (Jun.Grad.I.S. [SA])
- Students
Annual Subscription fee:
Fellow, Member and Graduate: R900
Associate Member: R900
Junior Graduate Member R450
Student Member R250
Click here to download the Membership Application Form.
This should be returned to us – together with proof of qualifications – to:
Postnet Suite #86
Private Bag X10020
Or fax to 086 518 4734
A non refundable application fee of R300 must be paid when submitting the application.
As the subscription year runs from July to June, the subscription fees are on a pro-rata basis for new members thus only the application fee should be submitted with the application forms.
The task of awarding membership status and the upgrading of members falls to the Verification Committee of the Institute. Certification consists of the examination of academic qualifications, security related qualifications and professional security experience.
The chairman of this Committee is Professor Doraval Govender.
South African Institute of Security Contact
Our offices are situated at:
2nd Floor West
Helvetia House
Greenvale Road
Postnet Suite #86
Private Bag X10020
Tel. +27 (0)11 455-3157
Fax. 086 518 4374