Talent Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd

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Talent Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd

Talent Management Solutions (TMS) unleashes human potential and is committed to excellence in human dynamics.

TMS fosters integrity in the workplace and has noteworthy experience serving major corporations and business leaders in Africa. Leadership Skills Development is one of the primary areas we specialize in as this usually determines the success of your organization.

The challenge is to create conditions within which people are willing and able to do the work because they want to. Productivity will increase once the focus and outcomes are clear to all in the organization. Leadership is not only looking after the interests of the shareholder, it is a case of empowering people. The biggest obstacle leaders and managers face today is no longer attracting financial capital, but intellectual and emotional capital (EQ). Leadership is all about people, and if you’re going to lead people you have to care about them.

  • We are solutions driven. We focus on providing quality services to improve organizational effectiveness and operational excellence.
  • We unleash human potential and are committed to excellence in human dynamics
  • We foster integrity in the workplace and serve major corporations and business leaders in Africa.
  • We are unwavering about the empowerment of women in business.
  • We are BBBEE compliant with 51% L2 equity shareholding.
  • We are an accredited Training College (FET), offering accredited training courses (SAQA; SSETA, ETDP, LGSETA). Our Services Seta number is 0527.
  • We are also registered with Umalusi and Department of Higher Education
  • We produce and publish training materials and use accredited material for our courses, while customised courses are also available.
  • We use registered  facilitators, assessors and moderators
  • We are also a fully fledged recruitment agency, as well as HR consulting professionals.
  • We are proud to be South African and we guarantee results.

Our philosophy for success

  • The road to success is always under construction.
  • Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.
  • Be the change you want to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi
  • The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists – Japanese Proverb
  • It is what we make of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another – Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the full light of today. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become.

Your integrity is your destiny… it is the light that guides your way – Heraclites, Greek Philosopher (c.500 BC)

Talent Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd Programmes

Talent Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd Solutions is an accredited training institute and provides accredited and customized training courses. We offer courses that are SAQA, SETA and ETDP certified and are skilled in facilitating full qualifications and learnerships.

1. Advanced Presentation Skills
2. Assessors Training
3. Business Writing Skills
4. Call Centre Course
5. Call Centre Certificate
6. Change Management
7. Coaching Skills in The Workplace
8. Corporate Etiquette
9. Counseling Skills – Bereavement and Trauma
10. Customer Care and Tele-Etiquette
11. Debt Collecting
12. Develop Outcomes Based Learning Programs
13. Diversity Management
14. Emotional Intelligence
15. Empowerment of Woman in Business
16. HIV/AIDS Awareness
17. Interview and Selection
18. Leadership Development Program
19. Management Functions
20. Meeting Procedures
21. Mentoring
22. Moderators
23. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
24. Performance Management
25. Personal Assistants and Secretaries: Business Admin
26. Project Management
27. Reception and Face to Face Interaction
28. Shoot, Score & Win – Selling Skills
29. Skills Development Facilitation
30. Stress Management
31. Supervision through Motivation
32. Supervisory Leadership Program
33. Telesales and Telemarketing
34. Time Management
35. Train the Trainer
36. Transformational Communication
37. Business Admin National Certificate
38. Team effectiveness
39. Conduct Meetings

Talent Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd Consulting

HR Consulting

Talent Management Solutions looks forward to providing your organization with HR consulting that is solutions driven. Our experience will enable your organization to achieve the following:

  • Refine Organizational Development and Behaviour (OD & OB)
  • Implement Performance Management systems
  • Implement Succession Planning
  • Research and assessment of processes for optimal organizational effectiveness
  • Competency Audits – Skills and Organizational
  • Human Resource Audits
  • Registered Skills Development Facilitator for full process of completion of Workplace Skills Plans and Annual Training Reports
  • Balanced Scorecard – Organizational and Performance
  • Development of Training Materials
  • Assistance with facilitation of Strategic Planning sessions
  • Executive, Business and Organizational Coaching

Coaching is one of the most needed leadership tools in today’s business and yet, it is sadly lacking, especially when it comes to Executive Levels within corporates. The coaching process is one that must be customized to address specific needs of the coachee and we go to great lengths to customize the coaching process to the specific requirements of the Executive resulting in increased career fulfilment.

The specifics of areas such as Emotional Intelligence, Goal achievement, Personal Mastery, Presentation of self and work and Influential Communication skills are only a few of the areas which can be explored and mastered during Executive, Organizational and Performance Coaching. Contact lydia@tmsgauteng.co.za for more detail or to book your coaching session.

Talent Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd Contact

Contact Details:

Telephone: +27 11 396 2062

Fax: +27 11 396 2008

Email: info@tmsgauteng.co.za

Physical Address:

35 Villa Valencia
Corner Monument & Anemoon Street
Glen Marais
Kempton Park

Postal Address:

Gauteng Talent Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 8122
South Africa

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