UCT Application Closing Dates 2025-2026
University of Cape Town Application Closing Dates 2025-2026
Key dates
Please note: the University reserves the right to change these dates. Before acting on any of the dates below confirmation should be sought from the appropriate office.
The following dates apply to undergraduate admission for 2018.
- Start of teaching Semester 1.
- Applications open at midday. Please apply online.
- The UCT Open Day will be held from 10:00-15:00 on the Upper Campus.
- Preferred date for submission of Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) portfolio, for early consideration.
- Applications for NSFAS financial aid open. Visit the financial assistance pages for further information.
- Preferred date for submission of Bachelor of Fine Art (BA(FA)) portfolio, for early consideration.
- Final date for BAS and BA (FA) portfolio submissions.
- Final date to submit the Personal Report and CV for MBChB applicants.
- All undergraduate applications close. We do not accept late applications.
- Applications for student accommodation close.
- Final date to request permission to write the NBTs after 14 October.
- Last opportunity to write the NBTs.
- Final date to request a programme change. Programme changes must be submitted in writing to admissions-ug@uct.ac.za with the subject line “Change to Programme Choices”.
- Due date for all interim grade 12 NSC results and predicted non-NSC scores for those currently completing their secondary schooling.
- Due date for current (interim) and previous years’ (final) transcripts.
- Due date for all past final secondary school results from May 2017 and earlier.
- Applications for NSFAS financial aid close. Visit the financial assistance pages for further information.
- Final transcripts are due for students registered for tertiary studies in 2017.
- Final CIE results from the November 2017 session are due.
- Start of teaching Semester 1.