UKZN Application for Postgraduate Admission

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UKZN Application for Postgraduate Admission

Selection Procedure

The selection of students for postgraduate study is at the discretion of the Academic Leaders in Schools, who will require a particular standard of previous attainment. An applicant may contact the School concerned for more information.

Application Procedure: Local and International

While actual selection is carried out by Schools, administrative application is a vital part of the procedure that must be followed:

New Applicants

All applicants for postgraduate study must complete a University of KwaZulu-Natal ‘Application for Postgraduate Admission’ form;

Application forms are available from the General Enquiry Offices on campuses or on the UKZN web at under ‘Apply to UKZN’, Application Procedures;

An application fee must be paid to UKZN on submission of the application or at the bank (see details on the next page);

Mail the form to the address provided on the cover of the form;

Once the application is processed, a candidate will be issued with a student number and the application will be forwarded to the relevant School for consideration; and

These steps will enable you to proceed with registration if offered a place.

Returning Students

Students currently registered at UKZN and wanting to apply for Postgraduate Diploma or Honours programmes must use the Returning Student Application for Admission to Graduate Studies form.

This form is available at the General Enquiries Offices on campus as well as on the UKZN web under ‘Apply to UKZN’, Application Procedures;

Current students wanting to apply to Masters and PhD programmes must complete the UKZN ‘Application for Postgraduate Admission’ form. This form is available at the General Enquiries Offices on campus as well as on the UKZN web under ‘Apply to UKZN’;

No application fee is payable if there has been no break in studies. Applicants who have been out of the system for a full academic year or more will be required to pay a new application fee;

Please provide your student number on the application;

Submit the forms at the General Enquiries Office on your campus OR mail to the address provided on the cover of the application form; and

Once the application is processed, it will be forwarded to the relevant School for consideration.

Online Applications

UKZN online applications are available to international and SADC (undergrad and postgrad) applicants and local postgraduate (new and returning) applicants. The URL link for online applications is available on our UKZN web page.  pls/ukznint/gen.gw1pkg.gw1view. The system is user friendly. In order for the application to be finalised and processed, the uploading of documents is required. It is, therefore, recommended that these documents are electronically accessible for upload at the time of application. Once the application is complete, a student number is immediately  issued with details of the application fee payable as well as banking details and a reference number to use when making payment.

Closing dates

Postgrad Diploma/Certificate and Honours:

Semester 1

30 September

Semester 2

30 April

Masters (Coursework):

Semester 1

31 October

Semester 2

30 April

Masters (Research) and

No closing date.

Doctoral studies:

Application Fees

Anon-refundable application fee is payable on submission of the application form.

• SA applicants on-time –


• SA applicants late –


SADC and Africa –


Countries outside Africa –


No late international applications accepted.

Application Fee Account Details:

South African Applicants

Name of account:



Standard Bank

Type of account:

Business Current Account

Account number:

05 308 0998



Branch code:



F001 11402 with

applicant’s full name

Tuition Fees Payable

Postgraduate Diplomas, Honours and Coursework Masters

For fee structures, refer to and from ‘Student Portal’, select the 2017 Fees Booklet. Note that fees quoted were for 2017. Please allow for an increase of at least 5-10% for 2018.

The fees for postgraduate courses fluctuate depending on the qualification, the academic year, and whether the qualification is taken on

afull-time or part-time basis. A few examples are given below to explain the structure:

South African students

Postgraduate Diploma in Education:

One year full-time

R19 213 p.a.

Two years part-time

R 9 161 p.a.

Students from SADC and other African countries

These students pay the same fees as South African students but will pay an additional levy of R1 368 per semester (R2 736 per annum.)

Students from countries outside SADC and Africa

All students enrolling for postgraduate diplomas, Honours or coursework Masters degrees will pay a tuition fee in US$ of:

i.Full-time (one year): US$11 227 per annum.

ii.Part-time (two or more years): US$ 5 613 per annum.

These fees are inclusive of the international levy.

International Applicants

Name of account:

UKZN Foreign Deposit


Standard Bank

Type of account:

Business Current Account

Account number:

05 308 2826



Branch code:




full name

Swift code:

SBZAZAJJ (for international)

Please provide your full name on the deposit slip and submit proof of payment on submission of your application.


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