UKZN Business School Masters Programs
University Of Kwaluzu Masters Programs
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
The primary purpose of the Master of Business Administration is to educate and train graduates who can contribute to the development of knowledge such that they are prepared for advanced and specialised professional employment, with the capacity for critically aware and innovative leadership in a particular field.
Successful completion of our MBA requires a high level of theoretical engagement and intellectual independence as well as demonstration of the ability to relate knowledge to the resolution of complex problems in appropriate areas of professional practice.
Our MBA Programme is internationally recognised and accredited by the Council on Higher Education of South Africa.
The MBA is a two year programme. The first years consist of module completion and the 2nd year consists of 3 elective 1 module and the completion of a dissertation.
Entry Criteria
To be considered for admission onto the MBA programme, an applicant is required to meet all the following criteria:
- holds an Honours degree or a Post Graduate Diploma at NQF level 8, or a cognate Bachelor’s degree at NQF level 8, or has been admitted to the status of an Honours degree or has attained a level of competence as provided for in the University’s admissions framework; and
- (a) is at least 25 years old on the 1st of January of the year of first registration and has a minimum of 3 years formal, full time work experience; and
- (b) has passed the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or an entrance examination prescribed by the School.
MBA Entrance Test
An applicant is required to write an entrance test to determine his/her suitability for the MBA. The test is conducted by an independent industrial psychologist for which a separate fee is charged. The test is designed to determine an applicant’s potential to succeed on the MBA and it tests, learning potential, literacy understanding, concept formation and numerical abilities.
International applicants may write the GMAT test in their own country and attach a certified copy of their results to their application.
Application Procedure
MBA Applications for the block release and part-time programmes are now open. Applications will need to be made online at
Closing date for applications:30 October 2015
MBA Admissions:
Tel: 031 260 8673/8172
Application Fees:
South African: R175
SADC & African countries: R470
Other countries: U$146
Tuition Fees
Fees for 2016 will be finalised towards the end of this year. International Students are charged an international levy per semester. This fee plus the full year tuition fee must be paid before registration can take place.
Exemption of Credits
The fees for 2015 are per semester (excluding text books). Fees for 2016 will be finalised towards the end of this year. A cost of inflation increase can be expected.
International Students are charged an international levy per semester. This fee plus the full year tuition fee must be paid before registration can take place.
Part-Time Programme: MBA lectures are held at the Westville Campus only, from Monday to Thursday, 18h00 to 20h30. Students may be required to attend additional lectures on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings. And Block Release programme, From Wednesday to Saturday, 8:h00 to 17h00. Participation in field trips, excursions and attendance of additional presentations outside of the lecture theatre may be required.
The MBA Programme is offered in contact mode only. We do not offer distance learning.
Students are regularly assessed during the semester for each subject. Assessments can take the form of tests, assignments and presentations. Group work plays a large role in this programme. Examinations are written at the end of each semester.
Course Structure and Content
The MBA is a two year programme. The 1st year of the programme consists of 2 semesters of course work. 2nd year there is Dissertation, 1 Module and 3 electives. Students are able to choose their electives from a list of 7 possible subjects.
Semester 1 | Semester 2 | |
MBA 1 |
MBA 2 |
Elective |
FIRST YEAR – Semester One
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods.
The research methodology encompasses the quantitative and qualitative aspects of research. The student will be introduced to methods of topic selection, research design, sampling and writing techniques. The module will prepare the student to design their research proposal and to write a dissertation. Furthermore, it covers the collection, classification, analysis and interpretation of information or data. It covers the t-test, chi-squared test, ANOVA, correlation and regression.
The module focuses on how leadership-thought has evolved over time and identifies the major theoretical frameworks. A critical view is taken on the relationship between management and leadership. Furthermore, leadership is explored from the point of view of self, organization and that of the broader environment. The practical implications of various leadership approaches are interrogated.
Economics for Management
The module covers a broad spectrum of economic issues, ranging from the level of the business unit to those of the broader global economy. Topics include: understanding business cycles indicators, examining market structures, a critique of neoclassical economics and contemporary capitalism, examining the determinants of economic growth, international trade and exchange rates. Emphasis is placed on the application of economic theory to enhance decision making in managerial economics.
Operations Research
Operations Research is a quantitative approach to decision making. It is primarily concerned with the development and application of quantitative analyses to the solution of problems faced by managers of public and private organizations. More specifically, theory and methodology in mathematics, statistics and computing are adapted and applied to the identification, formulation, solution, implementation and control of real life business systems. Operations Research provides significant inputs into managerial decision making.
FIRST YEAR – Semester two
Financial Reporting and Analysis.
The module focuses on financial information arising from the financial reports of companies, financial statements analysis framework (business analysis, accounting analysis, financial analysis and future scenario analysis); tools of financial statement analysis, forecasting of financial statements, company valuation and techniques; and select topics including credit analysis, security analysis, mergers and acquisitions, initial public offering and financial policy of the company.
Corporate Finance and Decision Making
The module examines the major financial decisions made in organisations that include: capital budgeting, capital structure, working capital management, and impacts of operational decisions on different components of the corporate strategy, in particular on investment and financial policies. The module also examines all aspects of performance measurement and management control systems design and use, from a managerial perspective. This includes an examination and evaluation of the tools used by accountants and chief financial controllers (cost analysis, risk analysis, budgeting, scorecards), and the relevance of these tools for decision making. In addition, there is a focus on mergers and acquisitions, the information conveyed by financial decisions as well as how managerial incentives affect financial decisions.
Operations and Supply Chain Management
This module presents a substantial body of knowledge about operations and supply chain management. The content of this module covers matching Supply with Demand, Inventory Management, Lean and Quality Management, Logistics Management, Distribution Management, Strategic Sourcing, Supply Chain collaboration, Sustainability and Closed-Loop Supply Chain.
Human Capital Managements
This module aims to teach the advanced core themes of human capital management. This includes an understanding of talent management (including performance management), motivation, relationship building, teamwork, ethics, developing effective dialogue and decision-making in a complex environment.
SECOND YEAR – Semester One
The content of this dissertation include a research topic, contextual background of the study, rationale of the study ,review of relevant literature , research design and methods, data analysis, results, discussions and conclusions.
Advanced Strategy
The course equips students with the perspectives, frameworks and tools for effective strategy making and execution for integrated enterprise development and sustainability.
SECOND YEAR – Semester Two
Dissertation (Subsequent registration)
Elective Options
Students may choose any two of the following elective options*:
Business, Government and Society
Given the growing complexity of managerial decision-making, the overall aim of this module is to encourage ethical decision-making and behaviour in organizations. It examines and discusses the emergent applied ethical issues in organizationsand the rationale for government regulation in various industries and the public policy procedures through which regulations are determined. The challenges and complexities faced by businesses and their managers as they endeavor to maximise returns while responsibly managing their duties to both stakeholders and society are also studied. Specific topics covered include the modern global business environment, current issues facing business, government and society, the not for profit sector, workplace matters, stakeholder ethics and ethical decision making, and strategic responses to a changing global business environment.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
This module presents a substantial body of knowledge on innovation in the entrepreneurial process. The content of this module covers innovation as the driving force of entrepreneurship; opportunities and techniques of recognition; the founder and the team; the business model; marshalling the resources required to start-up the venture and growth and beyond. The module focuses on the factors that contribute to successful entrepreneurial activity, from starting up a new business, to expanding an existing business to sustaining the entrepreneurial drive of a national or global company. The link between entrepreneurship and job creation in the context of economic development is assessed.
Investment and Portfolio Management
The course examines security valuation techniques for equity, debt, derivatives and foreign instruments. Furthermore, it evaluates the applicability of the efficient market hypothesis to security markets and investment portfolios. It applies theoretical and practical aspects of portfolio selection and asset allocation; the performance of investments and investment strategies; and construction and management of a portfolio of securities. Topics examined include a focus on South Africa’s financial markets, portfolio management strategies and stock market analyses.
Management Information Systems
This course focuses on the various roles played by information, and provides the manager with the knowledge to make informed decisions concerning information technology specialists, hardware, software, data and communication networks. The strategic use of information is discussed, as well as strategic issues such as the systems development life cycle, business process reengineering, outsourcing, systems security, end-user computing and e-commerce.
Strategic Marketing
The course introduces students to advanced concepts in strategic marketing. It deals with marketing as the driving business orientation in a contemporary environment. Competitive market analysis, future competitive positions and long-term sustainability of strategic marketing form the basis of the course. Concepts such as market segmentation, product differentiation, the product life cycle and others will be examined as important marketing tools in the overall marketing mix. Theoretical concepts will be applied to practical marketing situations in the business context.
International Business and Finance
The module examines theories and models of international business, theories explaining the activities and structures of Multinational Corporations; modes of entry into international markets, international financial markets, international financial instruments (for example, currency forwards and swaps), and contemporary issues and developments in international business. The module focuses on foreign exchange exposure and management, international capital structure and budgeting as well as corporate governance in a global context.
Coaching and Mentoring
This module examines and discusses the emergent trends of coaching and mentoring within organisations. The module also, examines how leaders harness such approaches within the current business environment, and the results thereof. The key coaching and mentoring approaches will be considered, in the context of leadership, with a focus on effective leadership styles that maximise human potential and performance. Specific topics covered include current leadership imperatives and issues; current practices in coaching and mentoring in organizations; and systemic approaches to coaching and mentoring from a leadership perspective.
Master of Commerce (Leadership Studies) by Research
The Graduate School of Business and Leadership (GSB&L) offers a Master of Commerce (Leadership Studies) Programme by supervised research.
Entrance requirements
- An appropriate four-year degree at Honours level or equivalent.
- A candidate must be committed to rigorous research in an applied context; high-intensity learning that stretches you intellectually and practically; contributing to knowledge in the field of leadership and cognate areas in Africa and globally; and making a positive difference to organisations, communities or society.
- Prospective students (who may originate from any disciplinary background) will undergo a rigorous process of selection.
Areas of specialisation
The staff at the GSB&L has interests in a variety of Leadership areas and prospective students are invited
to discuss aligned interests with them. Below are the areas of specialisation:
- Leadership in Social Partnership Contexts
- Leadership and Corporate Citizenship
- Leadership, Local Government and Local
- Economic Development
- Leadership and Learning in Organisations
- Leadership and Strategic Development
- Leadership and Whole Systems Change
- Modelling and Managing Complex Social Systems
- Leading and Managing Transformational Change
- Comparative Philosophies and Traditions of Leadership
- Leadership, Organisational Ecology and Sustainability
- Leadership and Transformative Learning
- Leadership, Group Intelligence and Creativity
- Leadership, Value Systems and Change
The Programme can be completed through one year of full-time study or two years part-time study.
Fee remission
Students undertaking full-time Research Masters or Research Doctoral studies are exempt from paying tuition fees. Full-time international students are required to pay an international levy per semester.
Download Full Curriculum.
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