UKZN Library ilink | University of KwaZulu-Natal

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UKZN Library ilink | University of KwaZulu-Natal

Where to access the iLink Catalogue

To logon to the iLink catalogue use either of these addresses: to go straight to the catalogue front page OR to get to the Library’s website, then click on iLink catalogue OR

Go to the UKZN home page: and click on Library on the top left hand corner of the page.

Basic search

To begin a search, type a term in the search box next to Search for

Decide whether your search will be a keyword, browse or exact search and click on this option

Select a specific library to search or a campus by choosing an option from the drop down list next to the Library box [e.g Pietermaritzburg campus Main Library is called Cecil Renaud (Main) Library; Pietermaritzburg campus libraries covers all five libraries on the Pietermaritzburg campus, or, select ALL to include all the libraries of UKZN in the search]

Then select one of the following options to add clarity to your search: o Everything o Author o Title o Subject o Journal title o ISBN

Results list

The results page of either a single or many items will be presented. The results list is presented in descending date order. The details provided are title, author, year, library location and availability

As regards availability, On shelf means available; In process means in the Library but not yet available for loan; Copies on order means the book has been ordered for the library so is not yet available; No copies currently available means the book has been borrowed or is on order.

Tick the box next to Mark to choose specific items in order to create a subset from the total results list that can then be printed or emailed

Click on Full Record to get the full details of an item as well as its shelf number.

Click on Next or Go back or New search on the tool bar to view results or start a new search.

Advanced search

Click Advanced Search below the Quick search box or from the grey toolbar Combine search elements using ANDORNOT, or XOR.

Everything, author, title, subject, series, journal title, call number and ISBN searches may be combined. There are more search options in Advanced Search than basic search:

Type Everything for a keyword search

Type an Author to search for a name. Search for an author by the first name, last name, or initials. However, searching by an author’s last name produces a more complete list of search results

Type a Title to search for an item by title. The search ignores articles (‘the’, ‘a’, ‘an’) as well as other stop words

Type a Subject to search the subject index

Type a Series to search for a series title

Type a Journal Title to search the journal index.

Limiting the search in the Advanced search option

Select a Library to limit a search to a specific branch [e.g. Pietermaritzburg campus Main Library is called Cecil Renaud (Main) Library], or select ALL to search in all UKZN branches

If a specific language is required, select a Language

Select Item category, to narrow your search to resources in a specific format [e.g. Video/DVD, Thesis/ Dissertation, map]

Click Search to start your search.


You may browse (view a results list by headings rather than full details) by selecting theBrowse option from the home page, putting in the search terms, selecting the library and then clicking on the appropriate tab OR

Click Browse under Catalogue Searches on the right of the Advanced Search box to browse on author, title, subject, series, periodical title, or Dewey number.

Select a Library to limit a search to a specific branch [e.g. Pietermaritzburg campus Main Library is called Cecil Renaud (Main) Library, or select ALL to search in all UKZN branches]

Click Call no on the right of the Advanced Search box to search for a specific shelf location/call number

Select a Library to limit a search to a specific branch, or select ALL to include all the libraries of UKZN in the search

A specific item type may be selected from the item type box

A call number search can be limited to a library or area of a library by using the Locationbox.

Searching tips

Keyword searches display all records that contain the search term(s) and searches all options/indexes. Other choices search specific options/ indexes such as author, title, or subject.

To search for a phrase use square brackets ( e.g. [knowledge management])

The question mark (?) may represent a single character (e.g wom?n)

The dollar sign ($) may represent multiple characters at the end of a search term (e.g. program$ may retrieve programme, programs, programming).

Click on the Help button for more information on searching.

Using My Library Record

In My Library Record, information about current library transactions can be viewed, personal identification numbers (PIN) and addresses can be changed, and checked-out materials can be renewed.

Log in from the Search/Home page, or under My Library Record. Your ID is your student/staff number and a PIN must be allocated which must be used every time you log in.

Type in your Library ID and PIN and click on the Login button.

Click on My Library Record.

The following are the options available:

Review my Library Record

Click Review My Library Record. Log in, if required.

Here, books borrowed (checkouts), renewed items that have been checked out, material overdue, fines, messages and requests from the library, replies to library messages may be viewed. You may also renew library material.

Click Change My Address.

Log in, if required.

Type in the new address information and user ID. (This ID appears automatically after logging in.

Click Send to change an address or Reset to start over.

Renew my materials

Log in required

Select the Select Items to Renew or Renew All check boxes

If selected items are being renewed, select the check box next to the items to be renewed

Click Renew Selected Items to renew materials, or click Clear Selections to start over.

Create/change your PIN

Log in required

Enter your PIN in the two blocks provided.

NB: Don’t forget to click on Log out on the tool bar after finishing using My Account.

Click on Help or, or ask a librarian if you have difficulties with iLink.

Academic Reserves

To search Academic Reserves

Click on Academic Reserves from the toolbar below the main heading on the front page

In the Search For box, type the lecturer name, course number, or course name

Then click the appropriate search option ( LecturerCourse Number, or Course Name) given below the search box to display the item or list of items placed on reserve

Select the particular Academic Reserves desk to search (Pietermaritzburg Main Library etc.). Select ANY to search under all reserves desks at all UKZN Libraries


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