University of KwaZulu-Natal UKZN Foundation

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University of KwaZulu-Natal UKZN Foundation


The University of KwaZulu-Natal Foundation is the formal fundraising arm of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). The UKZN was formed on 1 January 2004 as a result of the merger between the University of Durban-Westville and the University of Natal. The new University brings together the rich histories of both the former Universities. As part of this rich chronicle, the Foundation record dates back to 1949 when the then Natal University Development Fund was established and weaves through 1999 when the University of Durban Westville Foundation came into being. Subsequent to the merger, the name was changed in 2003 to the University of KwaZulu-Natal Foundation Trust to reflect the name of the merged institution.


To provide an efficient and effective fundraising service which supports the development of UKZN and addresses the needs and aspirations of our donors


Legal and Fiduciary responsibilities for the Foundation and its activities rest with a Board of Trustees, which comprises members of the University Executive Management, members of the University Council and Convocation, and representatives from the broader community. The Board of Trustees meets four times annually, or more frequently if necessary. The Audit and Risk Committee and the Remuneration Committee are sub-committees of the Board, which meet at least two times annually, or more frequently if necessary.

The Foundation establishes and cultivates relationships with prospective donors on behalf of the University and as such serves as a principle conduit for philanthropic donations aimed at supporting the strategic development needs of the University.

In its drive to secure donations for the University’s development, the Foundation forges relationships with individuals and alumni as well as establishes alliances and partnerships with corporates, trusts, foundations and other grant-making bodies across the world.

In selecting projects to support, the Foundation prioritises University initiatives that are responsive to societal, environmental, economic and technological needs of local, provincial, national and international communities, which the University serves.

The philanthropic gifts secured by the Foundation are used to support institutional and infrastructure development, student funding, academic support, as well as community outreach programmes.

Philanthropic gifts may take the form of individual donations, bequests, endowments, bursaries, scholarships and gifts in kind. These gifts will contribute towards the advancement of the mission, vision, and goals of the University while helping to fulfil the objectives of donors and benefactors. Ultimately, these will contribute towards the advancement of the mission, vision, and goals of the University while helping to fulfil the objectives of investors and benefactors.

As the conduit for all philanthropic donations to UKZN, the Foundation receives, receipts, records and reports on all such income.

Utilisation of Donor Gifts


As a public university, the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) relies on fee income and state subsidy to fund its operations. However, the development of infrastructure and the pursuit of its strategic vision requires philanthropic contributions, which expand the boundaries of knowledge and knowledge production.

UKZN Foundation accepts gifts that do not result in any economic benefit (with the exception of tax relief) nor confer full or part title/control to any product/deliverable/intellectual property in return for funding. In honoring the philanthropic intent of its donors, the UKZN Foundation ensure that donations are allocated to the cause for which they are intended. The Foundation raises funds for the following:




There are large numbers of academically deserving students who cannot afford to attend University and are unable to secure other forms of funding. Donor funds are used to provide full or partial bursaries to such students. Donors can stipulate specific criteria for the selection of students and they stipulate what conditions need to be met by the students to continue receiving support from the donor.


Community Engagement Projects

UKZN prides itself on its ability to generate knowledge and to convert it into a meaningful and measureable community-based projects. To this end, UKZN promotes projects in all its Colleges, which make a difference in the lives of communities ranging from farming, to land use management, to HIV museums, to civil society to art and culture and others.



The University provides access to students with disabilities. Additional funding is required to ensure that the environment is accessible and safe for students with different disabilities. Donor funding is also used to procure specialised equipment to allow disabled students to succeed at University.



UKZN believes in providing for future generations. As such the Foundation welcomes unspecified donations which are invested in the UKZN Endowment fund which can be used as and when the need arises in the future.



Specialized Equipment and Infrastructure

In order to generate and disseminate cutting-edge knowledge, the University relies on its donors who share the same vision, to fund specialized equipment for research, teaching and learning. Donor funding is also required to build new lecture theatres and to refurbish existing ones to meet the needs for technology-led teaching and learning.


Academic Chairs
An academic chair refers to a distinguished scholar of high standing, both locally and internationally, in their discipline. UKZN establishes chairs in order to advance knowledge production in very specialised areas of study. Academic chairs are normally established through an endowment, the growth on which funds the salary of the chair and other researchers who support the chair.



Personal Donations

The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) has highlighted priority areas requiring funding. Donors can choose the cause that they wish to support from among the priority areas.  Donors are encouraged to support the Endowment Fund which ensures that the University has funds in reserve for future projects of the institution. To make a monthly or once off contribution click on the relevant link below:

Named Bursaries

Donors may establish a bursary fund in the name of an organisation, one’s own name, the name of a family or a loved one. The process for establishing a bursary is a few simple steps:

  • Fill out the online form.
  • A draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be created using the details provided.
  • A Development Officer will contact you to confirm the details and to assist you tailor the MOU.
  • Once the MOU is in place, you can deposit/transfer the funds to the UKZN Foundation.
  • The department of Student Services will provide you a list of prospective recipients of your bursary based on the criteria agreed on.
  • Once you sign approval of the recipients, funds will be disbursed to the students fee account.

You will receive regular reports on the progress of students and you will be kept informed of the events and activities of the Foundation.

Named Endowments

Establish an endowment fund in the name of your organisation, your own name, the name of your family or a loved one. There are minimum contributions required to establish a named endowment fund. Disbursements will only be made on the growth on the capital. Send an e-mail to  and one of our friendly Development Officers will contact you to assist you through the process.


Leave a legacy by including a gift to the University in your Will. Preparing a Will is a very personal and confidential exercise, and understandably, you would use your Will to benefit your family and loved ones first. However, you may also wish to consider including a bequest to the UKZN Foundation. Always seek the advice of your lawyer or financial consultant to assist you with your bequest.

Contact our offices for a confidential discussion:

Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Projects

UKZN has a proven track record of converting CSI spend into tangible and measurable outputs.  Our Development Officers actively seek partners to fund community-based projects.  Organisations and individuals looking for a strategic partner to engage in responsible community projects are encouraged to contact the Foundation or the relevant person for more information.

 Name   Disciplines 
 Nadia Paul Humanities, Arts, Music, Education, Civil Society, Theology
 Natasha Willnecker Health Sciences, Medicine, Optometry, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, HIV
 Monde Mjebeza Law, Management, Governance, Information Systems, HR, Maritime
 Steve Camp Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Agriculture, Biological Sciences
 Anesh Singh Disability, Bursaries, Endowment



We invite our alumni to become ambassadors for the university to encourage giving from your peers and other members of your personal networks. Our Goodwill Ambassadors Programme enlists the help of our senior alumni to reach out to their peers from the founding institutions. To become an ambassador, contact the Foundation on



This is a modern fundraising concept where donors, alumni and other well-wishes who cannot make a personal contribution, or who wish to make a greater contribution, encourage their personal networks to give to UKZN or a special cause at UKZN. Volunteer to become a “Champion” of one of the worthy causes at UKZN and we will provide you with an electronic platform to raise funds for your special cause at UKZN.


Pro bono Professional Services

The University and the Foundation invite you to make a non-monetary contribution by making your skills available towards advancing the interests of the institution. You can contact the Foundation on



Physical Address

232 Mazisi Kunene Ave, Howard College Campus, Gate 6, Glenwood, Durban.

Staff contact details


Anesh Maniraj Singh Executive Director (+27) 31 260 2389
Perine Leonard Personal Assistant (+27) 31 260 2389
Brendan Patrick Boyce Operations Manager (+27) 31 260 1445
Rashina Moodley Finance Manager (+27) 31 260 2842
Monde Mjebeza Senior Development Officer (+27) 31 260 2020
Steve Camp Senior Development Officer (+27) 31 260 2395
Natasha Willnecker Senior Development Officer (+27) 31 260 3170
Nadia Paul Development Officer (+27) 31 260 2019
Bukiwe Nqopiso Prospect Researcher (+27) 31 260 1851
Sithembiso Hadebe Assistant Administrative Officer (+27) 31 260 3291
Reg Brijlal Senior Administrative Assistant (+27) 31 260 2906
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