University of Pretoria Department of Production Animal Studies

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University of Pretoria Department of Production Animal Studies

The Department of Production Animal Studies is subdivided according to activities. These divisions are:
  • The Ruminant Health & Production Section is responsible for the presentation of courses in basic animal production, welfare and animal handling.  The section visits various production animal farms and empowers students to practice preventive medicine
  • The Epidemiology Section deals with all aspects of veterinary epidemiology
  • The Production Animal Clinical Section takes care of the medical and surgical production animal cases in the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital and surrounding communities
  • The Reproduction section teaches students about reproductive disorders and biotechnology in all species. Specialists in the section supply a service to farmers and breeders
  • The Poultry Reference Centre deals with all aspects of poultry health and production in close association with the poultry industry

The Department has a close working relationship with the Centre for Veterinary Wildlife Studies which coordinates all research and teaching activities in the Faculty related to indigenous wildlife with the emphasis on conservation and game ranching.


In addition to training veterinarians and veterinary nurses the Department of Production Animal Studies offers a range of services and products to the veterinary profession, the agricultural sector, government, the pharmaceutical industry, and the public. The summary which follows illustrates the scope of these activities.




Academic Programmes and modules


  • Postgraduate programmes and modules

Master of Science in Veterinary Science (MSc (Veterinary Science)

The MSc in Production Animal Studies as a research degree. Students with a BVSc or equivalent degree as well as students holding BSc degrees at the honours level or BSc (Agriculture) degrees can be considered. There is also provision for entry of students holding appropriate Bachelor of Technology degrees to gain entry with additional requirements.

Topics for research are defined by the student in conjunction with the supervisor. A module on Research Methodology (VRM 812) is required of all students, whereas other coursework may be required at the discretion of the supervisor. The minimum and maximum duration are two and three years respectively. The degree is conferred based on assessment of a dissertation and submission of a manuscript suitable for publication. The dissertation is examined by one internal and/or two external examiners.

There are 5 MSc degrees offered by the Department.  These are:

•        MSc (Veterinary Science)

•        MSc (Veterinary Science) (option:  Reproduction)

•        MSc (Veterinary Science) (option:  Epidemiology)

•        MSc (Veterinary Science) (option:  Ruminant Health)

•        MSc (Veterinary Science) (option:  Wildlife, Health, Ecology)


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The PhD in Production Animal Studies is a research degree. An appropriate Masters degree is required for admission, and additional requirements may be stipulated by the Head of Department. Topics are defined by the student in conjunction with the supervisor and Head of Department. Coursework may be required at the discretion of the supervisor. The minimum and maximum durations are two and six years respectively. The PhD is conferred based on a thesis, a minimum of one article for publication, and an oral examination. Two external examiners are appointed.


Master of Veterinary Medicine (MMedVet)

This degree includes training in both theoretical and practical aspects of a specific discipline, and also includes a research component. The minimum period is 3 years. The maximum duration for the degree is 6 years, or 4 years in the case of candidates who have already completed an appropriate Honours degree.  Veterinarians holding a MMedVet degree may register with the South African Veterinary Council as specialists in the appropriate disciplines. Candidates are therefore advised not only of the University requirements for the degree, but also the SAVC requirements.

There are six MMedVet degrees offered by the Department. These are:

•        Bovine Health and Production (MMedVet (Bov));

•        Pig Herd Health (MMedVet (Suill));

•        Poultry Diseases (MMedVet (Altil));

•        Theriogenology (MMedVet (Gyn));

•        Small Stock Health (MMedVet (CaprOv));

•        Wildlife Diseases (MMedVet (Fer)).

The three components are further described as follows:

The theoretical components are structured into a specialist module, and ancillary modules drawn from related fields in support of the specialist module. The ancillary modules may be designated as core ancillaries required of all candidates, or elective ancillaries from which candidates may select a specified number.

Practical aspects of the discipline are taught during practical training embedded within the coursework and in the form of supervised clinical training. The duration of the clinical training is specified, and evidence of exposure must be submitted in the form of case logbooks.

The research project must lead to submission of a mini-dissertation and a manuscript suitable for publication. The final composition of a candidate’s MMedVet degree is agreed on by the supervisor and Head of Department.

Conferment of the degree is based on completion of all three components, although only the final marks for the specialist module and the mini-dissertation contribute to the final mark. For each degree, there are specific training requirements and outcomes. These are defined in the study guides for each MMedVet degree.


Admission Criteria


  1. Subject to the stipulations of General Regulations G.30 and G.62, a candidate must be in possession of the BVSc or an equivalent degree. In certain cases, the head of department under which a specific field of study for the MMedVet falls, may require that a candidate first obtains a BVSc Honours degree [Reg.v.2(c)], with modules applicable to the particular MMedVet degree programme. A minimum of 60% in each module may be required before a student may commence studies for the MMedVet degree
  2. A student who wishes to commence studies for the MMedVet degree, and already has a BVSc Honours degree and complies with the requirements already mentioned, will retain credit for the modules concerned for a period of two years, unless the head of department decides otherwise.
  3. Furthermore, a head of department has the prerogative to require, in addition to the requirements of the said regulation, an evaluation of a student, which may include practical components, or the setting of special conditions. A student may also be required to pass a proficiency test in English (TOEFL) at an acceptable level.
  4. The number of students that can be admitted to the MMedVet degree programme annually depends on the training capacity of a department and the number of available posts.

Duration and attendance requirements

  1. For candidates who are already in possession of the BVSc Honours degree with the applicable modules, the degree programme extends over at least three years, with a maximum duration of four years. If all the required modules have to be included in the MMedVet curriculum, the programme extends over a maximum of six years.
  2. Unless stipulated otherwise, the Dean must be satisfied that the candidates will have sufficient access to appropriate facilities and, where necessary, supervision by an appropriate person to complete the work required for the degree at a satisfactory level.
  3. Attendance requirements are determined in each individual case by the Dean (as recommended by the head of department concerned).
  4. Candidates have to complete an acceptable module in research methodology successfully.
  5. Candidates will be required to keep a logbook or similar record of experiential training which is to be signed by the supervisor every 6 months. The logbook or other suitable record is to be made available for auditing when the specialist module is monitored by the South African Veterinary Council.


Elective modules will in all instances be determined in consultation with the head of department in which the proposed special field of study is offered. If deemed necessary, modules offered by other faculties of the University of Pretoria may form part of the prescribed programme.

Further details can be found in the Faculty Yearbook:

Contact us

Departmental Secretary

Ms Margaret Louw

Tel: +27 12 529 8013 Fax: +27 12 529 8315

General information:

Prospective students:

Head of Department

Dr R Moerane


Room 2-11  Poultry Building
Tel: +27 12 529 8464
Fax: +27 12 529 8315



Room 1-25.1 – Poultry Building

Tel: +27 12 529 8334
Fax: +27 12 529 8306


Room 1-21 – Old Faculty Building

Tel: +27 12 529 8241
Fax: +27 12 529 8396

Postal address

Department of Production Animal Studies
Faculty of Veterinary Science
P/Bag X04
Onderstepoort 0110
South Africa


Room 3-54 –  OVAH Building

Tel: +27 12 529 8218
Fax: +27 12 529 8314


Room 2-13 – Poultry Building

Tel: +27 12 529 8013
Fax: +27 12 529 8315

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