University of the Western Cape UWC Course Catalog

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University of the Western Cape UWC Course Catalog

UWC Faculty of Arts Courses

UWC Faculty of Community & Health Sciences Courses

UWC Faculty of Dentistry Courses

UWC Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences Courses

UWC Faculty of Education (Foundation Programme) Courses

UWC Faculty of Law Courses

UWC Faculty of Natural Sciences Courses

Admissions Requirements

General Criteria for Admission to the University 

In order to study at the University of the Western Cape the applicant must have met the following criteria:

  • The National Senior Certificate (NSC) required for Degree, Diploma or Higher Certificate study, as appropriate.
  • To qualify for the National Senior Certificate (NSC), a learner needs seven subjects consisting of four compulsory subjects and three subjects of the learner’s choice.
  • The four compulsory subjects are: two languages, one being the students Home Language and the other a first additional Language, Life Orientation and either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy.
  • The learner has to achieve a rating of at least 4 (50-59%) for four designated subjects in order to be eligible for degree study.
  • In addition to the above, UWC has its own programme requirements which is specified in the tables below.
See Also ->  University of the Western Cape Campus Map



For admission to degree and diploma programmes UWC makes use a weighted system for calculating points, they are as follows:

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NCS Level                                                                                            UWC POINTS

Level Percentage Points for English* Points for Maths or Maths Lit. Points for Life Orientation Points for each other subject
8 90-100% 15 15 3 8
7 80-89% 13 13 3 7
6 70-79% 11 11 2 6
5 60-69% 9 9 2 5
4 50-59% 7 7 2 4
3 40-49% 5 5 1 3
2 30-39% 3 3 1 2
1 20-29% 1 1 1 1
Less than 20%

*English here refers to either English home language or English first additional language, not second additional language, which would rather fall under „other subjects‟

Minimum NSC Subject Requirements for 2017- Faculty of Community and Health Sciences        
Programme Coursecode English (Home Language)   English (1stAdditional Language) Another Language (Home or1stAdditional Language) Mathematics  


  Mathematics Literacy Life Science Physical Science Point Score
BSc Dietetics 8231 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) or 6(70-79%) 4(50-59%) N/A 33
BSc(Occupational Therapy) 8111 4(50 – 59%) or 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 3(40-49%) or 5(60-69%) 4(50-59%) N/A 33
BSc (Physiotherapy)* 8211 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%)  4(50-59%) or 6(70-79%) 4(50-59%) and 4(50-59%) 39
BSc (ComplementaryHealth Science)General Stream 8104 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) or 6(70-79%) 4(50-59%) and 3(40-49%) 30
B Nursing 8311 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) or 6(70-79%) 4(50-59%) N/A 30
B Social Work 8411 4(50-59%)
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or 5(60-69%)  4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) or 4(50-59%) N/A N/A 30
BSc (Sport & Exercise Science) 8051 4(50-59%)  or 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) or 6(70-79%) 4(50-59%) N/A 33
BA (Sport Recreation & Exercise Science) 8061 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 3(40-49%) or 4(50-59%) N/A N/A 30
See Also ->  Details Of University of the Western Cape Bursaries 2018

*Partially sighted students must be able to read 24 font size.

Minimum NSC Subject Requirements for 2017 – Faculty of Natural Sciences
Programme Course code English (Home or 1stAdditional Language) Another Language (Home or 1stAdditional Language) Mathematics Physical Science Life Science Information Technology Point Score
BSc (Computer Science) 3221 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 5(60-69%) 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) 33
BSc (Mathematical &Statistical Science) 3227 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 5(60-69%) 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) 33
BSc (Physical Science) 3233 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 5(60-69%) 4(50-59%) N/A N/A 33
BSc (Environmental & Water Science) 3331 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) N/A 33
BSc (Biotechnology) 3211 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) N/A 33
BSc (Biodiversity & Conservation Biology) 3217 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) 4(50-59%) or 4(50-59%) N/A 33
BSc (Medical Bioscience) 3230 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) N/A 4(50-59%) N/A 33
BSc (Applied Geology) 3214 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) 4(50-59%) N/A N/A 33
BSc (Chemical Science) 3220 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) 4(50-59%) N/A N/A 33
Pharmacy 3305 4(50-59%) 3(40-49%) 4(50-59%) 4(50-59%) and 4(50-59%) N/A 38
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