University of Zululand UNIZULU Postgraduate Application Forms
Masters Degree
Admission and registration
(1) To be admitted to the programme a candidate shall, in the absence of any provision to the contrary in the faculty rules, have obtained the honours bachelors degree in the discipline for which he/she wants to enroll, or equivalent status shall have been conferred on him/her by virtue of rule G6, and he/she shall satisfy the Senate as to his/her proficiency in the discipline.
(2) Admission shall be subject to the approval of the Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Board. (Authority delegated to the higher degree committee).
(3) A candidate shall register annually not later than 31March each year.
Doctor’s Degree
Admission and registration
(1) A student who wishes to enroll shall have obtained a Masters Degree in the faculty concerned unless a provision to the contrary exists in the rules of the faculty, or equivalent status shall have been conferred on him/her in terms of rule G6, and he/she shall satisfy the Senate as to his/her proficiency in the prescribed field of study.
(2) Admission shall further be subject to the approval by the Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Board Concerned (authority delegated to the Higher Degrees Committee.
(3) A candidate shall register annually not later than 28 March each year.