Varsity College High School

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Varsity College High School

The Varsity College Senior School caters for students in the senior years of school, Years 10, 11 and 12. We strive to provide productive and innovative learning pathways for all students to achieve their goals and set them up for success in life beyond school.

A new state-of-the-art precinct, our Senior Learning Centre, provides a focal point and designated areas for senior students. It provides access to wide-ranging technology and flexible learning spaces which encourage independent and collaborative learning.
The Senior School prides itself on having high expectations in terms of student aspirations and achievement, behavior and appearance which aim to uphold a culture of excellence in all that we do. Our Senior School is recognised for its broad range of subject offerings, extensive array of vocational education and training courses, and links with industry and tertiary institutions which enhance the learning experiences and future opportunities for students.
On entry to the Senior School in Year 10, all students complete a Senior Education and Training Plan which maps out a study and career orientated learning pathway through Years 10, 11 and 12. Year 10 is designed as a transition year between our Middle School and the Senior Curriculum program. It provides opportunities for students to prepare for and sample all subjects offered in Years 11 and 12 and provides for the learning experiences necessary to make broad pathway choices leading into the final two years of Senior School.
In Years 11 and 12, students are required to make broad pathway choices – Overall Position (university oriented), Industry Pathway, or a Personalised Pathway. The subject and pathway choices link closely with the students’ individualised Senior Education and Training Plan and serve to provide a clear direction beyond school.
Student leadership is an important facet of senior school life with Student Council, Prefect and School Captain positions being highly sought after. The school encourages and promotes leadership and achievement at all levels via the Ambassador Program which promotes community service and the ongoing TRAKS (Tolerance, Respect, Acceptance, Kindness, and Support) Recognition Program and through the annual Awards Night ceremony. Academic excellence is fostered through an ASPIRE Acceleration program, in addition to other embedded extension opportunities for students.
Our Senior school places the interests of students first in all that we do and recognises that respectful, open and supportive relationships between students, teachers, parents and caregivers is a vital aspect in every students success.
You can now follow us on facebook​ to keep up to date with all the exciting things occurring in our senior school.
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