The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) can come to your house to inspect your television and radio-receiving equipment, and if they find you in possession of any unlicensed equipment, they will fine you. The penalty isn’t very high, but it is better to avoid the problem by buying your TV licence at one of the many places that sell them in South Africa. The SABC has an online store, but only delivers to addresses within the country. In addition, there are other retail outlets that sell these licences, including Game stores and some Pick ‘n Pay supermarkets.
Where to purchase your TV License?
TV licenses are available for purchase all over the country. You can buy one at any store that sells licences, but it’s easiest to purchase it through your service provider. Talk to your service provider about what you’re looking for and they’ll be able to help you out.
What are the different licenses available?
There are three different licences available: Annual, Monthly, and Weekly. The annual licence costs R615 and lasts for 12 months. Monthly licences cost R60 and last for 30 days while weekly licences cost R30 and last for seven days.
How much does it cost?