This is the only campus of CJC that is located in a township. The Alexandra township is renowned for producing some of South Africa’s freedom fighters and liberation heros. This is one of the township that the south African Government has identified for its urban renewal project. The Alexandra Campus is thus strategically located to make a positive contribution to this government initiative by making available educational programmes that address poverty alleviation and create jobs and business opportunities. Here CJC offers skills courses precisely for this purpose. It is located on corner Cunning Street and Ninth Road, occupying an area of 30 000 square metres.About 5 kilometres south of Alexandra Campus, on corner Arkwright Street and Ninth Road, is Motswedi Centre. This is yet another of CJC’s pioneering initiative that is aimed at closing the skills gap in the Greater Johannesburg area. At Motswedi Centre Phase One. With Motswedi Centre Phase Two, CJC is on the one hand, looking to broaden the skills transfer scope by affording the College’s graduate students an opportunity to open and run business incubations of their own for the purpose of gaining practical experience in their respective fields on completion of their studies. On the other hand, the community will also have the opportunity to rent out office space where they can run their own small businesses. The latter is all in the quest to create a platform for business development in Alexandra. With private business partnership, the Motswedi Centre Phase Two is promising to be a training ground for future entrepreneurship, while positioning CJC as a community college. |