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How Much is Clase Azul Tequila in South Africa?

How Much is Azul in South Africa?

How Much is Clase Azul Tequila in South Africa?

How Much is Azul in South Africa?
How Much is Azul in South Africa?

How much does Azul cost?

Azul Comes in different varieties, the following are prices;


Clase Azul Añejo Tequila 750ml ZAR 9,278.85

Clase Azul Gold Tequila 750ml ZAR 10,125.96

Tequila Clase Azul Guerrero Mezcal 750ml ZAR 11,813.45

Clase Azul Ultra Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml ZAR 32,065.37


Is Azul gold or silver?

Azul has Gold with yellow and bright reflections.


Why is Azul expensive?

Tequilas from Clase Azul are aged for five years in sherry wood casks imported from Spain. Also there are only produced in numbered batches of 100 bottles.

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How much is the most expensive Azul?

The most expensive azul is the  ZAR 506,146.50 Clase Azul Extra Anejo Anniversary Edition.


What kind of alcohol is Azul?

Clase Azul Reposado is a symbol of the tradition and culture of Mexico, it is made with slow-cooked blue agave.

How is Tequila Blue Made?

Tequila blue is made using blue agave, grown at altitudes above 10,000 feet above sea level. This particular species of agave is responsible for the distinct color and flavor that makes tequila blue unique.

Like other tequila variants, tequila blue is made from the tequila plant’s core, the piña. The piña is cut from the plant and put through a cooking process known as the cooking process. This is done in large ovens, where the piñas are slowly baked for hours at high temperatures.

This process creates a sweet syrup, the aguamiel, fermented to produce an alcoholic beverage. This syrup is then put through a secondary distillation process to create tequila Blanco when making blue agave tequila.

The Blanco tequila is then aged in oak barrels to create tequila reposado and aged tequila. Finally, the aged tequilas are then bottled as tequila añejo.

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Benefits of Aged Tequila

– More complex flavors – Aging tequila in barrels allows the spirit to interact with the wood and other components of the barrel. This process creates more complex flavors desirable in whiskeys and tequilas.

– Darker color – Aging tequila in barrels for two years gives the spirit a dark color, making it different from unaged tequila.

– Better price point – Because tequila Blanco is typically bottled immediately after distillation, it is often the most expensive of the three tequila variants. Aging the tequila in barrels, however, extends the process and pushes back the date at which the tequila is bottled. This creates a product with a better price point for consumers.

How to Drink Tequila Blue

Tequila blue can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or with a slice of orange. As it is a premium tequila, it can also be used as a cocktail base. The spirit pairs well with fruity ingredients, such as orange or lime, and can be combined with other spirits, such as whiskey, for a more complex drink. Tequila blue can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or with a slice of orange. As it is a premium tequila, it can also be used as a cocktail base. Tequila blue pairs well with fruity ingredients, such as orange or lime, and can be combined with other spirits, such as whiskey, for a more complex drink.

How to Make Your Batch of Tequila Blue

Making your batch is one way to enjoy tequila blue’s flavor and color without buying a bottle. All you need is blue agave, a large jar, and some time. The first step to making your tequila blue is to cut the piña from the blue agave plant. Once you have done this, you need to cook the piña, where the syrup, known as aguamiel, is produced. To do this, boil the piña for around three hours until the mixture is thick and reduces to about a third of its original volume.

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