Abattoir Skills Training (Pty) Ltd

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Abattoir Skills Training (Pty) Ltd

ABATTOIR SKILLS TRAINING is an Private Company business incorporated in South Africa on June 19, 2009. Their business is recorded as In Business. The activity is registered as PROVIDE FORMAL TRAINING IN THE ABATTOIR INDUSTRY. It is not part of a group. The company has no filed accounts. The company was incorporated 7 years ago.

In order to ensure safe meat products with exceptional quality various food safety and quality systems have been developed and implemented worldwide. The South African government recognized the need for governance in the abattoir sector and thus established legislation, the Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act 40 of 2000) and the Red Meat Regulations to govern the red meat abattoir industry and its processes. Consumer awareness has also resulted in the prevention of food borne illnesses becoming a priority in food processing facilities. A number of facilities have opted to go for ISO22000 or FSSC22000 certification. The Southern African Auditor and Training Certification Association (SAATCA) was established to implement, administer and control a scheme for the certification of quality system auditors, lead auditors, and training course providers. SAATCA’s mission is to recognize and satisfy the needs of stakeholders in Southern Africa and provide confidence to industry by setting criteria in line with National and International Standards to ensure the competence of Management System Auditors and Product and Process Auditors and Management System auditing Training Course Providers. As a pre-requisite for the Lead auditors ISO22000 course, ISO22000 and Microbiology training is required.

Center Address Postal Address

Abattoir Skills Training Pty Ltd
Tshwane Metro
Posbus 35889
Menlo Park
Menlo ParkTshwane Metro
E-Mail Phone Number

info@rmaa.co.za 0123491237
Fax Number


Abattoir Skills Training (Pty) Ltd courses/skills

Fully Accredited for the following Qualification(s)

Code Description Credits
1 48655 National Certificate: General Abattoir Processes 120
2 48660 National Certificate: Abattoir Slaughtering Processes 120
3 48649 Further Education and Training Certificate: Meat Examination 160
4 48651 Further Education and Training Certificate: Meat Classification 144

Unit Standard(s) Approved

Code Description Credits NQF Level
1 114336 Count teeth 8 Level 01
2 114339 Ante mortem handling of slaughter animals 8 Level 01
3 114343 Prepare animals for slaughter 8 Level 01
4 114346 Handle effluent 3 Level 01
5 114353 Handle red offal 4 Level 01
6 114358 Handle rough offal 4 Level 02
7 114362 Basic introduction to abattoir industry 3 Level 02
8 114350 Chill and despatch carcasses 4 Level 02
9 114341 Basic handling on condemned material 4 Level 02
10 8962 Maintain and adapt oral communication 5 Level 02
11 8963 Access and use information from texts 5 Level 02
12 8964 Write for a defined context 5 Level 02
13 8965 Respond to literary texts 5 Level 02
14 9007 Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems 5 Level 02
15 9008 Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts 3 Level 02
16 9009 Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems 3 Level 02
17 7469 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life 2 Level 02
18 7480 Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems 3 Level 02
19 14667 Describe and apply the management functions of an organization 10 Level 04
20 7978 Plan and Conduct Assessment of Learning Outcomes 15 Level 05

Abattoir Skills Training (Pty) Ltd staff

Approved Assessors Approved Moderators
First name Surname
Amoret Ferreira
Chaithram Ramburan
Christiaan Schoeman
David Groenewald
Gerhardus Neethling
Jacoba Laufs
Jacques Van Greunen
Johannes Coetzer
Leonard Stemmet
Mahadev Ganesh
Margaret Nothnagel
Mattheus Hanekom
Mogatusi Nkoane
Monty Mmurwa
Neels Nell
Shann Kieswetter
Theresa Diogo
Yolande Stanton
First name Surname
Johannes Coetzer
Neels Nell
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