Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd

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Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd

Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd is a BEE Level 3 Contributor,Training and Development Company established in 2005 that focuses on the design, development and delivery of outcome based training. BPD also consults in learning programme design & alignment of programmes to SAQA unit standards and assists with accreditation processes.

Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd is managed by Dr. Bernadette Perumal, Ricky Perumal ,Keshia Naidoo and Kim Perumal who are all full time employees and a host of project co-coordinators, facilitators and assessors are employed on a fixed term contract basis which is project dependent.

Strategic partnerships are formed to pool resources, skills and knowledge in order to undertake larger contracts ensuring that learners receive quality education & training.

Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd has certainly grown in leaps and bounds over the last six years. The company started as a Sole Proprietor in 2005 taking on small projects, and in 2006 converted to a Close Corporation as the Company began to grow and now that it has been established and recognized by the SETA’s, Department of Labour and Umalusi, the Company has once again transformed to a (Pty) Ltd.

Our registrations:
Company Registration no. 2010/024620/07
Company Vat No. 4080258033
DHET Registration. No. 2011/FE07/056
Accreditation Reg. No. ETDP 5327
Services SETA 2479 – MOU Provider

Our Mission

To transform learners including the underprivileged, disadvantaged and with special needs, by providing quality education and training with the emphasis on adding value and creating opportunities: to be responsive to the changing needs of the business sector and society, ensuring that the learner is empowered to achieve Standards and Qualifications registered on the NQF by the following means:

  • Provision of Tuition and Assessment that will enable learners to be literate and competent
  • Develop uncompromising standards that ensure learner’s needs are met.
  • Provide learners with essential skills required at entry level to facilitate a pathway for further learning and development.
  • Provide equivalence with the formal education system, while remaining culturally and linguistically relevant to local needs.
  • Taking accountability for our actions

Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd Programmes

              Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd

                          Facilitators Course

Facilitators Course
BEPE Developments is offering the following skills programme:
Facilitators Course: Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies: NQF Level 5
10 Credits:

During the 4-day course the participants will get an in-depth understanding of the role of the facilitator and learn basic and advanced methods of facilitation.
The effective facilitator’s course is aligned to SAQA unit standards

• Define the role of a facilitator,
• Identify key facilitators principles
• Describe best practice related to facilitation
• Provide students with facilitation practice and feedback
• Group dynamics
• Planning and prepare for facilitation
• Facilitate Learning
• Evaluate learning and facilitation
• To lead a task force
• Establish a strategic direction
• Get business process operating efficiently
• Establish performance
• Work through conflict and eternal strife (CCFO)
• Define specific needs ( Community Needs)
• Learning barriers
• Managers
• Executives
• Facilitators
• Trainers
• Consultants
• Sales professionals, Analysts
Introduction to Facilitation
In this training the participants are being introduced to the diverse role of the facilitator. How can a facilitator use the power and diversity of a group and use many of its perspectives to reach an achievable goal that is owned by all members? What are the ground values of facilitation and participation, and what are its pitfalls? Participants get familiarized with a facilitation model that will give them a clear picture about what facilitation is and how it can be done.
Different facilitation methodologies:
The participants will be able to use various techniques to reach their target audience:
Workshops: Brainstorming methodology- to achieved
Group Methodologies
Three group facilitation methods are introduced: the focused conversation method, the consensus workshop method and the Action planning process. Participants learn to design and conduct productive group discussions and to capture the wisdom of the group. They also learn how to channel and guide participant input to integrate diverse and creative ideas and to build an informed group consensus. In the action planning process they learn a participatory method for planning short-term projects or for completing projects that have stalled. The methods will be demonstrated, talked through and practised.
Group Dynamics and Personal Development
There is a lot of dynamics in group work. A facilitator must be aware of his own communication style and must develop sensitivity for group dynamics as well as skills to address any problems related to this. How do you develop you listening skills, what are your own challenges when facing a group as a facilitator? How can plan your personal development as a facilitator? Group dynamics is approached through introductions, role plays and individual application and reflection. How do you encourage participation in the group.

            Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd

                    Effective Assessor in the workplace

Effective Assessor in the workplace
Effective Assessor in the workplace: Conduct outcomes base assessment: NQF Level 5
15 Credits:

Duration of this course is 5 days including POE support

• Demonstrate an understanding of outcomes based assessment
• Plan and prepare for assessments
• Conduct actual assessment
• Provide feedback on the assessment
• Review assessment
• Develop tools and systems to determine if the candidate is competent to t the required task and meet the relevant Assessment Criteria as per the relevant Unit standard/qualification
• Design Assessment activities and the process to follow
• Assess: formative, summative, applied, reflective, and integrated) fit for purpose on the required standard
• Principles of assessment
• Sufficient, current, valid and reliability of evidence.
• Managers
• Trainers
• Facilitators
• Human Resource Managers
• Coaches and mentors
• Workplace assessors and external assessors
Introduction of assessment:

Registered assessors are licence to practice as an assessor for specific unit standards and qualifications, according to the conditions prescribed for those qualifications / unit standards by the relevant quality assurance body.

How is evidence collected?An assessor uses a variety of tools and systems to determine competency. ( can the candidate to the task)

This generic assessor unit standard is for those who assess people for their achievement of learning outcomes in terms of specified criteria using pre-designed assessment instruments. The outcomes and criteria may be defined in a range of documents including but not limited to unit standards, exit level outcomes, assessment standards, curriculum statements and qualifications. Those who achieve this unit standard will be able to conduct assessments within their fields of expertise. This unit standard will contribute towards the achievement of a variety of qualifications, particularly within the fields of Education Training and Development Practices and Human Resource Development. People credited with this unit standard are able to carry out assessments in a fair, valid, reliable and practicable manner that is free of all bias and discrimination, paying particular attention to the three groups targeted for redress: race, gender and disability. In particular, people credited with this unit standard will be able to:

• Demonstrate understanding of outcomes-based assessment;
• Prepare for assessments;
• Conduct assessments;
• Provide feedback on assessments; and
• Review assessments.

            Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd

           Moderators course

Facilitators Course: Conduct outcomes based moderation: NQF Level 6
10 Credits:

Pre- requisite: Must have proof that they have completed the assessor’s course and have a valid assessor’s certificate as per the ETDP SETA Requirements. During the 4-day course the participants will get an in-depth understanding of the role of the moderator and the National Qualification Framework.

• Demonstrate an understanding of outcomes based assessment
• Plan and prepare for assessments
• Conduct actual assessment
• Provide feedback on the assessment
• Review assessment
• Demonstrate an understanding of moderation
• Plan and prepare for moderation
• Conduct actual moderation
• Advice and support assessors
• Report, record and administer moderation
• Review, moderation system and processes
• Managers
• Trainers
• Facilitators
• Assessment designers
• Human Resource Managers
• Coaches and mentors
• Workplace assessors and external assessors
Introduction to moderation:

Moderation is a process that ensures that that assessment of the outcomes described in the NQF standards and qualifications are fair, valid, consistent and reliable.


The responsibility of the moderation to moderate assessment in terms relevant outcomes statements and quality assurance requirements.

           Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd

                 Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd

             New venture creation

New Venture Creation: 49648
138 Credits


Qualification Rules:


The Certificate is made up of a planned combination of learning outcomes that have a defined purpose and will provide qualifying learners with applied competence and a basis for further learning.


The qualification is made up of Unit Standards that are classified as Fundamental, Core and Elective. A minimum of 138 credits is required to complete the qualification


In this qualification the credits are allocated as follows:


  • Fundamental : 36 credits :
  • Core : 70 credits :
  • Electives : 32 credits :
  • Total : 138 credits :
Fundamental Component
Unit Standards to the value of thirty-six credits are allocated to the subject areas of Communication and Mathematical Literacy.
The Communications aspect focuses on basic communication skills required to fulfill entrepreneurial functions and this component caters for twenty credits
Sixteen credits in Mathematical Literacy have also been included in the Fundamental Component, focusing on the fundamental Mathematics and statistics required to complement entrepreneurial financial functions. In addition, the Mathematical component will enable the learner to utilize a range of patterns and functions to solve problems.
Core Component
Seventy credits have been allocated to Unit Standards in the Core Component of this Qualification. This is to ensure that the Qualification has a strong New Venture Creation focus. The Unit Standards classified as Core describe entrepreneurial knowledge and skills that are generic to various types of new ventures within varying industries/sectors. They provide an opportunity to develop knowledge of new venture creation through basic research, formal learning and business workplace practice and/or simulated situations. The Unit Standards encourage application of knowledge and skills in real situations, with particular emphasis on developing an entrepreneurial profile, matching new venture to market needs, financial management, business plan implementation, ethics and customer service.
All Unit Standards are compulsory.

Elective Component

There are Unit Standards totaling Ninety-one credits in this Component. These Unit Standards develop further the competencies and knowledge contained in the Core Component by focusing on learning areas pertinent to New Venture Creation. They will enable learners to gain specialist knowledge and skills, which are particularly relevant, or of interest to the learner. The Elective Component focuses particularly on teamwork and human resources management, business awareness, administration and records management, information systems, customer and public relations and industry awareness and procurement of new work.
Learners are required to select Electives that add up to at least thirty-two credits.


  • Develop appropriate skills and knowledge for the establishment and development of an enterprise.
  • Address the economic/administrative and behavioural barriers that contribute to failures in starting and sustaining an enterprise.
  • Create long-term solutions for job creation and SMME development via the building blocks and structure of a qualification that practically addresses the learning requirements of budding entrepreneurs.
Outcomes need to:
  • Acquisition of an entrepreneurial profile which includes an innovation orientation
  • An understanding of the industry/sector in which they wish to establish a new venture
  • An ability to match new venture opportunities to market needs within a chosen industry/sector
  • Create long term solutions for job creation and SMME development
  • An ability to determine and manage the financial requirements of a new venture
  • An ability to match new venture opportunities to market needs
  • An ability to compile and utilise a business plan to manage a new venture and also where relevant, to seek funding for a new venture

 Ideal for:

  • Potential and existing entrepreneurs to capitalise on opportunities to start and grow sustainable businesses
  • Persons who wish to tender for business opportunities within both the public and private sectors.
  • Persons who intend to set up or have already set up own ventures.

         Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd

                                      Library course

Library Qualification :50520
Further Education and Training Certificate in Library and Information Service : NQF Level 4
132 Credits:
Qualification Rules: The qualification consists of a Fundamental, a Core and an Elective component. To be awarded this qualification , learners are required to obtain a minimum of a 132 credits as detail below:
The Qualification consists of a Fundamental, a Core and an Elective Component.
To be awarded the Qualification, learners are required to obtain a minimum of 132 credits as detailed below.
Fundamental Component:
The Fundamental Component consists of Unit Standards in:
  • Mathematical Literacy at Level 4 to the value of 16 credits.
  • Communication at Level 4 in a First South African Language to the value of 20 credits.
  • Communication in a Second South African Language at Level 3 to the value of 20 credits.
t is compulsory therefore for learners to do Communication in two different South African languages, one at Level 4 and the other at Level 3.
All Unit Standards in the Fundamental Component are compulsory.
Core Component :
The Core Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 64 credits all of which are compulsory.
Elective Component:
The Elective Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 24 credits. Learners are to choose Unit Standards to the minimum of 12 credits. 
  • Meeting the client needs for the primary purpose of LIS
  • Balancing a range of information and knowledge for diverse clients
  • Dealing with significant changes in the delivery mechanisms
  • Use competencies in analyzing, acquiring, synthesizing, organizing, conserving, evaluating and disseminating information
Outcomes Needed to:
  • Communicate in a variety of ways in the provincial of LIS service.
  • Communicate in a variety of ways in the provision of Library and Information support services.
  • Use mathematics and mathematical thinking to solve every day problems for him/herself and the Library and information services organisation
  • Provide routine Library and Information support services.
  • Administer routine Library and Information Support Services.
  • Provide routine Library and Information frontline customer services.
  • Apply workplace skills in the provision of Library and Information support services.
Ideal for:
  • People employed in Library and Information Services
  • New entrants to Library and Information Services
  • Unemployed
  • School leavers
  • Enhance skill and service delivery in the sector
  • Employed in financial institutions, Business and commerce
  • Government and community organisations
  • Etc

Bepe Developments in Education and Training (Pty) Ltd contact

Physical Address 14 Skerne Place, Hillary, Durban, KZN, 4094
Postal Address P.O. Box 13060, Jacobs, 4026
Telephone 031 – 4649946
Fax 086 538 3651
Email /
Mobiles 073 1328978 / 082 6658298


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