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Can You Play in South Africa with Pirated Games 

No, you cannot play multiplayer online on pirated PC games. Buying the game is the only way to play multiplayer.


What happens if you play a pirated online game?

It’s critical to remember that using pirated gaming content is against the law. If the use of cracked software is traced back to you, it could result in fines or even jail time, depending on the jurisdiction in which you live.


What if you’re caught with a pirated game?

Piracy of video games, like illegally downloading music and movies, is a federal crime in the United States. Punishment can range from repaying the copyright holder to serving time in prison. Of course, because so many people pirate software and video games, the FBI would be unable to catch them all.


Are pirated games slower to play?

Unless the legitimate version contains extremely intrusive drm that some pirates manage to remove, there is usually no performance difference. In those extremely rare cases, pirated copies perform slightly better.


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