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Causes Of Gender Based Violence In South Africa

What Does South Africa’s Gender-based Violence Entail?

What Does South Africa's Gender-based Violence Entail?
What Does South Africa’s Gender-based Violence Entail?

In South Africa, gender-based violence (GBV) is a severe and pervasive issue affecting every facet of daily life. GBV is systematic and profoundly ingrained in South Africa’s institutions, customs, and traditions (affecting women and girls disproportionately).


Causes Of gender-based violence

Some of the causes of gender-based violence include the ones listed below:


Specific personality disorders or mental conditions can exacerbate gender-based violence.

Male violence is a result of patriarchy. “A system of interconnected social systems through which males exploit women” is patriarchy.

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GBV is caused by drug and alcohol addiction. Excessive alcohol consumption or drug use can make it challenging for certain people to restrain their anger and behavior.

Gender-based violence is more likely to be committed by those raised in violent homes.

The precarious economic situation of women greatly facilitates male violence against women.
Victims of gender-based violence depend on their husbands for necessities like food, clothes, and housing, which is one of the primary reasons they continue to stay in abusive relationships.

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Men frequently use violence against women, girls, homosexual men and boys, and lesbians as a way to demonstrate their masculinity. In this nation, like in other patriarchal civilizations, conventional and antiquated concepts of masculinity and femininity still prevail.

Gender-based violence is influenced by possessiveness or jealousy that is obsessive.


What connection is there between socioeconomic class and gender-based violence?

Most often, gender-based violence has socioeconomic repercussions. According to certain studies, gender-based violence and socioeconomic position are directly related. 7. The precarious economic situation of women greatly facilitates men’s aggression towards women.

GBV comes in many different forms, namely domestic, economic, and sexual violence, among others.

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