Central Johannesburg College Graphic Design

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Central Johannesburg College Graphic Design

Central Johannesburg College Graphic Design,“The field of Art and Design holds a special place, because it is one of the best examples of combining inputs from arts, culture, science and technology in one end result” – Ms Bridget Mabandla, former Deputy Minister of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology.

An important difference between a career in art and design and a more conventional one is that it is very difficult to predict the development of the career of an artist or a designer. There is, however , a rapidly growing awareness of Career opportunities are steadily increasing in number and variety.

Art and Design is not only an interesting career, but it also contributes tremendously towards the economy and the well being of people in general.

Central Johannesburg College Graphic Design

PROGRAMME:  NC: Craft Production (Ceramic Design)
CAMPUS:  Crown Mines Site

• Craft Production Level 2: Grade 9
• Intro to N4: Grade 12
• N4: Grade 12 & Art Background
• N5 to N6


– Drawing
– Graphic Design (manual Graphics and Computer Graphics)
– Entrepreneurship Business Management
– Painting (Multi media and web development)
– Drawing
– Graphic Design (manual Graphics and Computer Graphics)
– Entrepreneurship Business Management
– Painting (Multi media and web development)
– Drawing
– Graphic Design (manual Graphics and Computer Graphics)
– Entrepreneurship Business Management
– Painting (Multi media and web development)
– Drawing
– Graphic Design (manual Graphicsand Computer Graphics)
– Entrepreneurship BusinessManagement
– Painting (Multi media and webdevelopment)
– Ceramics- Sculpture
– Computer Literacy
– Drawing
– Business Environment
– Communication

• Strict Self-Discipline
• Commitment
• Perseverance
• A desire to do your best and constantly strive to improve
• To keep trying until you are successful
• To stand up against peer pressure
• An open mind
• Visual cognitive skills
• Creative skills
• Literacy
• Be prepared to make personal sacrifice and work very long hours

Central Johannesburg College Graphic Design,“The field of Art and Design holds a special place, because it is one of the best examples of combining inputs from arts, culture, science and technology in one end result” – Ms Bridget Mabandla, former Deputy Minister of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology.

An important difference between a career in art and design and a more conventional one is that it is very difficult to predict the development of the career of an artist or a designer. There is, however , a rapidly growing awareness of Career opportunities are steadily increasing in number and variety.

Art and Design is not only an interesting career, but it also contributes tremendously towards the economy and the well being of people in general.

Central Johannesburg College Graphic Desig

PROGRAMME:  NC: Craft Production (Ceramic Design)
CAMPUS:  Crown Mines Site

• Craft Production Level 2: Grade 9
• Intro to N4: Grade 12
• N4: Grade 12 & Art Background
• N5 to N6


– Drawing
– Graphic Design (manual Graphics and Computer Graphics)
– Entrepreneurship Business Management
– Painting (Multi media and web development)
– Drawing
– Graphic Design (manual Graphics and Computer Graphics)
– Entrepreneurship Business Management
– Painting (Multi media and web development)
– Drawing
– Graphic Design (manual Graphics and Computer Graphics)
– Entrepreneurship Business Management
– Painting (Multi media and web development)
– Drawing
– Graphic Design (manual Graphicsand Computer Graphics)
– Entrepreneurship BusinessManagement
– Painting (Multi media and webdevelopment)
– Ceramics- Sculpture
– Computer Literacy
– Drawing
– Business Environment
– Communication

• Strict Self-Discipline
• Commitment
• Perseverance
• A desire to do your best and constantly strive to improve
• To keep trying until you are successful
• To stand up against peer pressure
• An open mind
• Visual cognitive skills
• Creative skills
• Literacy
• Be prepared to make personal sacrifice and work very long hours

Advertising, Fie Art, Murals, Printing, Publishing, layout artist, Magazines, Newspapers, Public Relations, Marketing, Graphic Design, Packaging, Digital Photography, Animation, Online and Offline Publishing, Interactive Design, Application Development Wed Development, Web Design, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Engineering, Product Design, Medical Imaging, Packaging, Architecture, Business Administration, Mobile Design, Education etc.

After successfully completing the N6 course and an 18 months experiential training period in the visual art and design sector, student can apply for the National Diploma in the Visual and Design.

Pass requirement is 40% per subject
Evaluations are cumulative, based on the regular assessment and Moderation throughout the year. Student are required to present a Portfolio of their work and pin up their best work for internal assessment and moderation.

External examinations are written at the end of each level in JUNE and NOVEMBER.

All the levels are exit points a learner is not forced to continue to the next level, but all encouraged to continue to the next level to improve chances of success in your chosen field of study.

NQF level2 – on completion of this level, student will have accumulated 141 credits and obtain a certificate.

Students will undergo continuous formative assessment conducted by internal assessor and moderators.
Internal and External assessor will oversee summative assessment , moderated by external moderators Accredited by the relevant Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA).


You should not be late or absent for any of your classes. An acceptable explanation must be given to your lecturer as soon as possible as to why you were late or absent. If you arrive late, you are expected to apologize and take your seat quietly without disrupting the class. Action will be taken if:

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