Title: Guy Butler Research Award Scholarship at Rhodes University: Advancing Academic Excellence in English Studies
Introduction: Rhodes University, established in 1904, is a renowned public research institution located in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province. With its commitment to academic excellence and exceptional research output, Rhodes University stands out as one of the leading universities in the country. The university takes pride in its distinguished faculty, including Guy Butler, a notable South African poet and playwright who contributed significantly to the English department during his tenure from 1953 to 1978.
About the Guy Butler Research Award Scholarship Program: Rhodes University invites students to apply for the prestigious Guy Butler Research Award for the academic year. This award supports full-time postgraduate studies (Honours, Masters, or PhD) within the Departments of English, English Languages and Linguistics, and ISEA at Rhodes University. Applicants pursuing research in various English-related fields, including literature, language, drama, journalism, and cultural studies, are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Coverage and Renewability: The value of the Guy Butler Research Award varies based on the level of study. Honours students will receive R80,000, Masters students R90,000, and Doctoral students R100,000. The scholarship is initially awarded for one academic year and is renewable for an additional year at the Masters level and two additional years at the Doctoral level, subject to satisfactory academic performance.
Eligibility Requirements: To be considered for the Guy Butler Research Award Scholarship, applicants must meet the following minimum criteria:
- Demonstrate a strong academic record with a minimum result of 70%
- Intend to pursue full-time postgraduate studies at Rhodes University
- Plan to conduct research in one of the specified fields mentioned above
Application Process: Interested applicants should download and complete the Guy Butler Research Award Application Form available on the Rhodes University website. Along with the completed form, applicants must submit clear copies of supporting documents, including an ID document, motivational letter, research proposal (for Masters and PhD students), academic Curriculum Vitae, academic transcripts, and proof of application or acceptance at Rhodes University. All application materials should be compiled into a single PDF document and emailed to pgfunding@ru.ac.za with the subject line “Guy Butler Research Award Application.”
Closing Date and Contact Information: The closing date for the Guy Butler Research Award Scholarship applications is 11th October. Applications received after this date will not be considered. For inquiries regarding the scholarship program, applicants can reach out to the Postgraduate Funding Office at Rhodes University via telephone at 046 603 8755 or email at pgfunding@ru.ac.za.
Conclusion: The Guy Butler Research Award Scholarship at Rhodes University presents an outstanding opportunity for students passionate about English studies to pursue postgraduate degrees with financial support. By honoring Guy Butler’s legacy, Rhodes University aims to foster academic excellence and empower scholars to make significant contributions in their respective fields. Apply for the Guy Butler Research Award Scholarship and join a community dedicated to advancing knowledge and research in English studies at Rhodes University.