How Long Does Garlic Take to Grow in South Africa
What is called garlic?
Garlic is a small white round bulb of a plant that is not for its strong taste and smell and is used for cooking a meal and making herbal medicine.
Why is it called a clove of garlic?
A garlic has many individual lobes joined together and covered by a paper-like coating. Each individual lobes is called a clove.
What are the types of garlic?
There are 11 variety groups of garlic that is grouped into two main types
1. Hardneck garlics that includes Porcelain, Rocambole, Purple Stripe, Glazed Purple Stripe, Marble Purple Stripe, Asiatic, Turban, and Creole
2. Softneck garlics that includes Silverskin, Artichoke, and Middle Eastern
How long does garlic take to grow in South Africa?
It usually takes about Six months after planting the glove.
What month do you plant garlic in South Africa?
It is generally recommended to plant your clove of garlic from the month of February to May in South Africa.
Which type of garlic is best grown in South Africa?
Egyptian white
Egyptian pink
Giant garlic
Can you eat garlic immediately after harvesting?
Yes, you can eat freshly dug garlic immediately after harvesting, either raw or cooked.
How often does garlic need to be irrigated?
Water the garlic every three to four days, from mid-May to June
Can you overwater garlic?
Garlic requires about 25mm of water a week. Overwatering it causes the buld to rot.
Why do you stop watering garlic before harvest?
Too much of water causes the bulb to rot. The bulb needs heat from a dry soil to become firm.
How do I know when it is ready to harvest?
When the top of the plant appears yellow and dry, it means that it’s time to harvest the garlic plant.
How Much Does Garlic Cost In South Africa?
1kg of garlic cost 0.16764ZAR and $2.40 in Johannesburg and Cape Town