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How Much is Home Schooling in South Africa?

The Cost of Home Schooling in South Africa


Is homeschooling cheaper in South Africa?

With a   little research, accompanied with  good  planning, homeschooling could be an affordable option for families in South Africa. Education programs at home can cost as little as a few thousand dollars and as much as R20 000 per year. Children who attend home schools are typically charged less in fees than those who attend regular schools.


How much does online school cost in South Africa?

Even though, its traditional school fees can range from around R73 080 (grade R full-day) to R110 880 (grade ten to 12) annually, their 2021 annual online fees amount to between R44 160 (grade four to seven) and R50 400 (grade eight to ten).


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How do I homeschool my child in South Africa?

There are some procedures required, if you prefer to teach your child at home you must apply to the head of your provincial education department to register your child for home schooling. You can either teach your child yourself or hire a tutor to do so. The lessons you offer your child must fall within the scope of the following compulsory phases of education:

  • the foundation phase (grades 1 – 3)
  • the intermediate phase (grades 4 – 6)
  • the senior phase (grades 7 – 9).


Do universities accept homeschooled students in South Africa?

Yes, recently a growing number of homeschooled students have been accepted to South African universities and because they are self-motivated and disciplined students, they have coped well with the demands of campus life.


How Does homeschooling Work SA?

South African law makes provision for three kinds of education: home education, private schools and state schools. In homeschooling, a parent, usually the mother, teaches her children at home rather than sending them to a formal private or state school.

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Why do parents choose homeschooling in South Africa?

  • Homeschooled children perform better

According to Research, it  shows that home learners perform much better than their institutionalized peers. The reason is obvious: homeschooling offers the ideal learning environment, in which there is a very low ratio of one teacher to just one to six learners. As such, home-schooled children get infinitely more attention than children at a school, because even the most caring teacher is just not capable of providing the same level of attention to so many more children.


  • To cater for special needs children

Homeschooling is also suited to children with special needs, such as those with exceptionally high IQs, gifted children or children with special learning needs. Parents can organize their homeschooling in a way that best provides for their children’s specific needs and abilities. Also, with homeschooling, all subjects do not have to be taught at the same level. If a child has an aptitude for maths, for instance, there is no reason to stop their early progress to the next grade.

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Which is the best homeschooling program in South Africa?

These are some of the  best homeschooling program in South Africa?

  • Nukleus Onderwys. 
  • Oikos. 
  • Clonard Distance Education.
  • Time4Learning.
  • SA Home-Schoolers. 
  • Cape Home Educators (CHE).
  • Eastern Cape Home Schooling Association (ECHSA).
  • Pestalozzi Trust. Petalozzi Trust is a registered public benefit organization.


How long does it take to register for homeschooling in South Africa?

In South Africa, it generally could take  up to 30 days for your applications to be processed.


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