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How to Become a Financial Analyst in South Africa

It doesn’t matter if you are only interested in this career or if it’s something that you have always wanted to do. Becoming a financial analyst involves many things like getting qualified and obtaining the skills. This article will discuss some of these aspects and give some useful tips for those who want to become one.

Becoming a financial analyst

A financial analyst is a professional who uses his or her expertise to provide investment advice to clients. A financial analyst is a person with the responsibility of interpreting and analyzing data, as well as suggesting solutions for future decisions. To become a financial analyst, you must be able to interpret and analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately while maintaining strict confidentiality rules. Financial analysts can work in many industries—from banks, credit unions and insurance companies to accounting firms and hedge funds—but they all share one thing: they help their clients make better decisions based on facts rather than hunches or guesswork.

If you enjoy math and statistics but aren’t sure if becoming an accountant fits your personality type, consider becoming a financial analyst instead! With strong communication skills coupled with advanced computer knowledge (including Microsoft Excel), it won’t take long before your client list grows exponentially!

What Does a Financial Analyst Do?

As a financial analyst, you’ll analyze financial data and make recommendations to your organization. You may advise on topics like:

  • How much money should be invested in which areas of the business?
  • What is the best way to prepare for future expenses?
  • How can we maximize our profits while minimizing risk to the company?

How do I become a financial analyst in South Africa?

  • What does a financial analyst do?
  • How to become a financial analyst in South Africa?
  • Top 9 Ways To Become A Financial Analyst In South Africa

Top 9 Ways To Become A Financial Analyst In South Africa

The following are the top 9 ways to become a financial analyst in South Africa:

  • Get A Degree In Finance
  • Get A Degree In Accounting
  • Get A Degree In Economics
  • Get A Degree In Business Management
  • Get A Degree In Economic and Finance
  • Get A Degree In Mathematics And Statistics (bachelor’s level only)
  • Have Honours in Mathematics with at least a 60% pass percentage or equivalent grade point average (GPA) on your transcript
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1. Find The Right School To Study Finance

The first step to becoming a financial analyst is finding the right school. There are a few things you need to consider when choosing a university or institution:

  • A good reputation and accreditation from the South African Council for Higher Education (CHE)
  • A history of successful graduates in your field of choice, with jobs that pay enough to live on comfortably. If you struggle in an industry where your peers make more money than they do and seem happier than you are, it might be time to look for another career path.

2. Get Qualified

In order to become a financial analyst, you need to have the right qualifications.

The first step is obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) degree or a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. This will help you gain the skills needed in this role, such as mathematics and accounting. You can then work towards achieving either an MBA or MSF degree which will provide you with further knowledge on how businesses operate and how they make money. Finally, it would be beneficial if you complete your education with a Chartered Financial Analyst qualification so that employers know that professionals who are experts in their respective fields have trained extensively you in this field

3. Get The Skills And Experience

Becoming a financial analyst requires you to have an in-depth knowledge of the financial statements and financial markets, as well as a thorough understanding of the economic and political environment. You will also need to recognize risks and opportunities associated with certain types of investments. You gain these skills through years of experience working within various sectors, such as banking or investment management. In addition, it is important for you to develop your analytical skills by studying at university so that you can understand how to make use of data in order to predict future trends in the market. The following are some specific areas where you should focus on developing your skills:

  • Analyzing Financial Statements: This involves examining individual companies’ accounts in order to determine their financial health (or otherwise). It involves looking at historic data over time periods ranging from days until several years so that comparative analysis can be done between one period against another one; this allows analysts to see whether profits have increased/decreased over time due on factors such as increased revenues or decreased expenses etcetera…
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4. Find A Mentor In The Industry

To succeed in this industry, you need to find a mentor. A mentor can be anyone who is currently working in the industry and willing to help you out. They don’t have to be your age or even older than you, but someone who has been in the field for a while and can guide you through your first few years of work.

Someone who has been doing it for a while will have plenty of tips on how to succeed in this tough field, making them an invaluable resource for those just starting out their careers as financial analysts.

5. Network, Network, Network!

Networking is the key to success. You should network as much as possible whether it’s at a conference, in a group of people, or even on social media. Networking can help you get your foot in the door, find a mentor, and find opportunities and jobs.

The best way to network is by going to industry events and mingling with other people who are passionate about what they do. In addition, join LinkedIn groups related to your industry so that you can connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests and knowledge about their respective fields of expertise.

Another way which works great for me (and I believe almost anyone else) is social media such as Facebook & Twitter. I think these two platforms have made communication easier than ever before by providing us with instant access wherever we go! This means that someone from South Africa could reach out and talk directly with someone from New York City having no problems.”

6. Take Some Short Courses In Your Spare Time

In your spare time, look into taking some short courses. This can be a good way to gain specific skills in financial analysis and planning. You can also use these short courses as a way of getting started in the field, even if you don’t want to pursue an MBA.

You should take these short courses from reputable institutions like universities and colleges that offer specialized qualifications on finance-related topics such as accounting or finance management. For example, there are many short study programs available for students who want to specialize in financial analysis or corporate strategy but do not have enough time for an entire degree program (e.g., classes last only six months). These courses provide students with theoretical knowledge about various aspects of business administration while also allowing them sufficient room for practical learning through projects or internships with real companies where they will apply their knowledge directly in practice.

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7. Work As An Analyst And Gain Valuable Experience Before Looking For A Job In The Field

If you are just out of school and have no work experience, it is important that you find something to do before going into the field. The best way to do this is by working as an analyst in a company or organization where that will teach you how to become a successful financial analyst. You can do this after graduation, but if possible, it’s best if you do it right after graduation when the knowledge gained from school still lingers in your mind.

Ways to become a financial analyst in South Africa

There are many ways to become a financial analyst in South Africa. The most important thing is to do your research and find out exactly how you want to become a financial analyst. It is also important that you know what you need to do in order for this to happen, as well as have a good knowledge of accounting and finance.


A financial analyst is a person who analyzes financial data and information in order to help companies decide regarding their investments. Financial analysts get trained in business administration, economics or finance but must possess excellent analytical skills, along with an understanding of how businesses work and how they can be improved.

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