IMM Graduate School of Marketing Bursaries 2019/ 2019

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IMM Graduate School of Marketing Bursaries 2019/ 2019

1. The bursary is awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement.
2. The bursary will not cover any textbooks, accommodation or pocket money.
3. Prospective bursary students may be called in for an interview before final selection.
4. The bursary will cover IMM Graduate School assessment fees.
5. Send the completed application form, including supporting documents to: Bursary Applications, National Registrar, PO Box 35263, Northway, 4065.
6. The outcome of the bursary application will be released annually on 31 January.

Admission criteria for Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing Management

Admission criteria for prospective students who matriculated prior to and including 2007:

  • Senior Certificate (Grade 12) with university exemption, plus a mark of at least 40% on higher grade or 50% on standard grade in Mathematics.
  • An NQF level 5 certificate with an overall pass rate of 60% or above.
  • A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no Senior Certificate, but have written and passed at least four higher grade or four standard grade subjects at matric Level. The CV must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a Senior Certificate. A certified copy of subjects passed must be included. *
  • Students over the ages of 45 may apply as mature age applicants.

Admission criteria for prospective students who  matriculated and exited the school system as of 2008:

  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate Vocational (NCV) with an achievement rating of at least 3 (40-49%) in English home language or 4 (50-59%) in English first additional language, plus an achievement rating of at least 3 (40-49%) in Mathematics or 5 (60-69%) in Mathematical Literacy.
  • An NQF level 5 certificate with an overall pass rate of 60% or above.
  • The student must have met the minimum requirements for admission to a degree programme at a higher education institute.
  • A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no NSC, but have written and passed at least 4 NSC subjects at a Matric level with a pass of 40%. The CV must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a NSC. A certified copy of subjects passed must be included.
  • Students over the ages of 45 may apply as mature age applicants.

* No credit transfers for modules will apply for RPL. RPL will only apply for access to programmes

Articulation from the Diploma in Marketing Management to the BBA in Marketing Management.

  • Graduates must have successfully completed all modules of the Diploma in Marketing Management.
  • Applications must be submitted within a five-year period after attaining the Diploma in Marketing Management qualification.
  • Please refer to the prospectus for articulation modules.

Admission criteria for Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Marketing and Management Science

Admission criteria for prospective students who matriculated prior to and including 2007:

  • Senior Certificate (Grade 12) with university exemption, plus a mark of at least 40% on higher grade or 50% on standard grade in Mathematics.
  • An NQF level 5 certificate with an overall pass rate of 60% or above.
  • A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no Senior Certificate, but have written and passed at least four higher grade or four standard grade subjects at matric Level. The CV must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a Senior Certificate. A certified copy of subjects passed must be included. *
  • Students over the ages of 45 may apply as mature age applicants.

Admission criteria for prospective students who matriculated and exited the school system as of 2008:

  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate Vocational (NCV) with an achievement rating of at least 3 (40-49%) in English home language or 4 (50-59%) in English first additional language, plus an achievement rating of at least 3 (40-49%) in Mathematics or 5 (60-69%) in Mathematical Literacy.
  • An NQF level 5 certificate with an overall pass rate of 60% or above.
  • The student must have met the minimum requirements for admission to a degree programme at a higher education institute.
  • A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no NSC, but have written and passed at least 4 NSC subjects at a Matric level with a pass of 40%. The CV must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a NSC. A certified copy of subjects passed must be included.
  • Students over the ages of 45 may apply as mature age applicants.

* No credit transfers for modules will apply for RPL. RPL will only apply for access to programmes

Articulation from the Diploma in Marketing Management offered by IMM Graduate School to the BCom in Marketing and Management Science.

  • Graduates must have successfully completed all modules of the Diploma in Marketing Management.
  • Applications must be submitted within a five-year period after attaining the Diploma in Marketing Management qualification.
  • Please refer to the Prospectus for articulation modules.

Articulation from the Diploma in Marketing (programme offered by the IMM Graduate School pre-2011) to the BCom in Marketing and Management Science.

  • Graduates must have successfully completed all modules of the Diploma in Marketing.
  • Applications must be submitted within a five-year period after attaining the Diploma in Marketing Management qualification.
  • Please refer to the Prospectus for articulation modules.
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