Shaw Academy in South Africa

Sometime in April, during South Africa’s lockdown period, which restricted over 57-million people to their homes. Shaw academy was created, it offered South African’s the opportunity to earn free qualifications across a number of topics including finance, photography, health and fitness, marketing, technology, design, beauty, music and business. Also, online certified courses with in-depth and practical lessons in over 100 subjects. Students attending Shaw Academy’s online courses are giving the freedom to ask questions during lessons which can be addressed by the Academy’s in-house AI powered Chabot, which responds both quickly and accurately. Shaw Academy is a privately owned online education organization based in Dublin, Ireland.
Is Shaw Academy courses accredited?
On 29 September 2020, Shaw Academy announced through Facebook and via an open statement on their website from their CEO that they were triple accredited. Also, all qualifications are internationally recognized and fully accredited with Shaw Academy, already seeing over a million South African’s graduate from its courses – 435,000 since the start of this year alone. This free course offer will extend to these existing students as well.
Are Shaw Academy diplomas recognized in South Africa?
Shaw Academy courses are recognized globally in countries such as the USA, UK, Canada, South Africa, Australia and India.
How much do Shaw Academy courses cost in South Africa?
In South Africa, monthly membership for Shaw academy cost around $49.99. What are you waiting for? You can sign up now and get unlimited access to ALL of our courses. Get 8 classes for free and access them for Life.
Which is better Shaw Academy or Coursera ?
Coursera’s brand is ranked #569 in the list of Global Top 1000 Brands, as rated by customers of Coursera. Their current valuation is $1.00B. While Shaw Academy doesn’t meet up to that standards. Therefore, on this comparison, coursera takes the lead.
Who runs Shaw Academy?
Shaw Academy is founded by James Egan and Adrian Murphy in 2013, Shaw Academy currently teaches over 1.84 million students monthly. The platform delivers each course via ten live webinar type lessons.
How do I cancel my Shaw Academy lifetime membership?
The following are the steps required to cancel Shaw Academy via Company Website:
- Log in to your account.
- Navigate to My Profile.
- Click on Membership & Payments.
- Hit Cancel Membership & Benefits.
- Confirm by clicking I understand, I want to stop learning.
- Hit No thanks, I want to end my membership & benefits.
- Continue and confirm your cancellation.
How do I delete my Shaw Academy account?
Shaw Academy’s membership/trial can be cancelled or paused by visiting your account profile.
- Select “My Profile”,
- Then, “Memberships & Payments”,
- Select “Cancel and Pause Membership and Benefits” and follow the cancellation process at the bottom of the page following the On-Screen instructions.