No, they presently only accept online orders with shipping addresses in the United States. Tiffany & Co. also provides online shopping services to Canada, Japan, and Australia.
Tiffany’s Shipping Methods
On all orders, shipping is provided at no cost. All orders will be shipped within a few days by FedEx. Your order will be processed and shipped within 4-5 business days. When things are ordered separately, they may ship together.
Is Tiffany’s shipping fee refundable?
A Tiffany & Company store. This company’s online orders will be shipped and returned free of charge. If the recipient is over the age of 18, we will deliver for $20 with no signature necessary.
Is Tiffany & Co of Good Quality?
Since its inception, Tiffany & Co. has been known for its dependability. For generations, has been known for its exceptional quality, innovation, and elegance. Every Tiffany piece is made with high-quality materials and handcrafted to the same exacting level, and it comes in the unique blue box that no other company has.
Is Tiffany and Co. the same thing?
Tiffany & Company was formed when Charles Tiffany took over Tiffany & Company, where the emphasis was on jewelry. Following the opening of stores in key cities, the company now has locations throughout North America.
Does Tiffany & Co offer international shipping?
You can now only place an online order with a US shipping address. dCo is the company’s headquarters. Services are also offered in Canada, Japan, and Australia.