List Of House Painting Schools In South Africa 2025-2026
House painting is often an important step of the moving process. If your home or rental property is in need of a fresh coat (or two) of paint, you’ll have to decide how you want to proceed.
Who is a House Painter?
A house painter and decorator is a tradesman responsible for the painting and decorating of buildings, and is also known as a decorator or house painter.
The purpose of painting is to improve the appearance of a building and to protect it from damage by water, corrosion, insects and mold.
House Painting Schools In South Africa
Below are listed schools and training institutions offering painting and other art courses to its students (beginner-friendly);
SAPMA Training and Education
Plascon Paint Academy in South Africa
Northlink College Painting (Competency Based Modular Training)
LifeART School of Painting and Pottery
Ruth Prowse School of Art
Lillian Gray Art School
Protech Training Handyman Courses, South Africa
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here are some questions which are most frequently asked by students and individuals in regards to house painting;
How much does it cost to paint a house in South Africa?
Cost to Paint a House. Painting an average home between 1,500 and 2,500 square feet can cost between $1,000 and $6,000. Professionals provide estimates primarily based on the area of walls or siding they’ll paint, not the home’s square feet.
How do you become a house painter in South Africa?
You can become a licensed house painter or contractor through an apprenticeship. Technical schools offer apprenticeship programs sponsored by contractor organizations and trade unions. Applicants must be 18 years of age, pass a background check and have the stamina to do the work.
Is painting houses a hard job in South Africa?
It is hard work, and can be dangerous on two (or more) story houses working from ladders. You will also need to have business liability insurance in case you cause damage to someone or their property, and have money for buying brushes, sandpaper, ladder, tarps, tape, and of course the paint which can be $500 or more.
What is the correct order to paint a room in South Africa?
Paint the Trim First, Then the Ceilings and WallsPros usually follow a certain order when painting a room. They paint the trim first, then the ceiling, then the walls. That’s because it’s easier (and faster) to tape off the trim than to tape off the walls.
Do you have to go to school to be a painter in South Africa?
There are no educational requirements to get started as a painter, but a high school diploma helps. Much of the training can be done through an apprenticeship program at a trade school or union, or can be learned on the job.
What do you call someone who paints houses in South Africa?
A house painter and decorator is a tradesman responsible for the painting and decorating of buildings, and is also known as a decorator or house painter. The purpose of painting is to improve the appearance of a building and to protect it from damage by water, corrosion, insects and mold.
Is it better to spray or roll paint?
That means spray painting is the fastest way to paint large areas where you don’t need so much accuracy, like an exterior wall; roller painting is good for interior walls where you need to avoid getting paint on other surfaces, and brushes help you do the detail work.
How do you get a painting certificate in South Africa?
A painting contractor should have at least 4 years of working experience and must have passed the state certification exam.
How often should a house be painted?
Most experts say that you’ll need to paint every five to ten years, depending on factors such as where you live, climate and weather, and the previous paint job. Also, keep in mind that every surface will be a little different. For example: Wood siding – every 3-7 years, or every 4 years if it’s stained.
Can anyone be a painter in South Africa?
Anyone with artistic talent can become a professional painter, and through sheer luck, become a great success.
How much do painters make in South Africa?
The median annual income for painters is $37,960 a year according to the Department of Labor. The median income means half the workers in this category earn more and half earn less. This works out to $18.25 per hour based on a 40-hour workweek.