Marine Fish Tank for Sale South Africa
What is a marine fish tank?
A marine aquarium is an aquarium that keeps marine plants and animals in a contained environment. Marine aquaria are further subdivided by hobbyists into fish only (FO), fish only with live rock (FOWLR), and reef aquaria.
How many fish can you have in a 100 Litre marine tank?
Provided your tank’s capacity is 100 litres, you probably shouldn’t put more than 100cm of fish in there (e.g. you can have up to ten 10cm long fish, or up to five 20cm long fish).
What’s the difference between marine and tropical fish tanks?
The main difference between a tropical fish tank and a marine fish tank is the type of fish that live within the tank. Tropical fish and marine fish come from two different environments and so need two different fish tank conditions in which to thrive.
Can I turn my tropical tank into a marine tank?
Virtually any aquarium can be converted to marine including small ones, but there are limitations. Nano reefs or nano marine tanks really need to be 40 litres in volume or larger, as larger bodies of water are more stable, and nothing is more stable than the sea.
How much does a marine fish tank in South Africa cost?
In South Africa, a marine fish tank could cost between R2,500 to R30, 000.
Where can I buy a marine fish tank in South Africa?
There are online marketplaces that list various marine fish tank for sale, such as: