Motheo Fet College Grade 10

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Motheo Fet College Grade 10

Motheo Fet College Grade 10,National Senior Certificate Grade 10 CAPS

This course has been designed to give you the grounding you need to embark on Grade 11.

Click here for the course fact sheet

Important Dates for Grade 10 and 11

Click here to view the document

Important  Grade 10 CT1 Final Time Table

Click here to view the document

Intec Past Exam Paper Order Form Grade 10

Click here to view the document

Entrance Requirements

You must have a certified, official Grade 9 school report that indicates promotion to Grade 10, or a General Education and Training Certificate (GETC) for Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET), or an NQF Level 1 Certificate, or a recognised equivalent qualification obtained at NQF Level 1.

Course Duration

The academic year ends 31 December 2016. Learners are required to complete ALL their assessments within a calendar year. This means, that you will start your studies in January/February and write your final examinations in October/November.

Should you enrol AFTER 25 January 2016, you may not sit for the examinations, write controlled tests or submit assessment tasks in the same year. You may, however, continue working through the study material, but ALL assessments may only be done in 2016 – the year in which you will write your final examinations.

Subject Selection Process

Your subject selection for Grade 10, 11 and 12 has to be the same. It is therefore important for you to give careful consideration to your subject choice in Grade 10. Make sure that you choose the subjects that you will need for the career that you want to pursue beyond Grade 12.

Subject Selection

Subjects are available in English only.

  • Two languages from Group A must be chosen, one of which must be a home language. See page 25 and 26 for the subjects in each group.
  • Mathematics OR mathematical literacy AND life orientation are compulsory.
  • Mathematical literacy may not be chosen with physical sciences or agricultural sciences.
  • Mathematics must be chosen with physical sciences.
  • We strongly recommend that you choose mathematics with accounting.

See below for possible career paths and to choose your subjects accordingly. If you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact a Student Consultant.

Career Choices

If you have decided upon a career path in one of the following fields, you may register for subjects from the following proposed lists:

Learning Fields   Subjects Requirements
  • 2 Languages
  • Mathematics
  • Life Orientation
  • Physical Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Geography
You must register for a total of 7 subjects and at least one language must be a Home Language.
  • 2 Languages
  • Mathematics
  • Life Orientation
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Geography
You must register for a total of 7 subjects and at least one language must be a Home Language.
Human And Social
  • 2 Languages
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Literacy
  • Life Orientation
  • Geography
  • History
  • Life Sciences
You must register for a total of 7 subjects and at least one language must be a Home Language.
Business Commerce
And Management Studies
  • 2 Languages
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Literacy
  • Life Orientation
  • Accounting
  • Business Studies
  • Economics
You must register for a total of 7 subjects and at least one language must be a Home Language.

Please choose your subjects from the table below:

If you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact a Student Consultant.

  • English Home Language (First Language)
  • English First Additional Language (Second Language)
  • Afrikaans Huis Taal (Eerste Taal)
  • Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal (Tweede Taal)
  • isiXhosa Ulwimi Lwasekhaya (First Language)
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Literacy
  • Life Orientation
Two languages need to
be chosen. At least one
language must be a home
language.Additional items (i.e. Dictionaries, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematical instruments, etc) will be required for a particular subject in order to complete the assessments or work required for that subject. These items are NOT included as part of your course fees. A comprehensive list of the items per Grade, per subject may be obtained from a Student Consultant.
Choose either Mathematics
OR Mathematical Literacy.
  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Business Studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • English Home Language (First Language)
  • Choose a language from this group only if it is not already chosen from Group A
  • English First Additional Language (Second Language)
  • Afrikaans Huis Taal (Eerste Taal)
  • Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal (Tweede Taal)
  • isiXhosa Ulwimi Lwasekhaya (First Language)
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Life Sciences
Additional items (i.e. Dictionaries, Research Resources, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematical instruments, etc) will be required for a particular subject in order to complete the assessments or work required for that subject. These items are NOT included as part of your course fees. A comprehensive list of the items per Grade, per subject may be obtained from a Student Consultant.

School Based Assessment

  • School Based Assessment (SBA) is assessment that takes place throughout the year. It consists of various types of assessment tasks such as research projects, controlled tests, investigation tasks, written reports, etc.
  • All assessments for Grade 10 will be internally conducted by INTEC College.
  • You will be provided with a study schedule (which can be found in your study guide) AND an assessment timetable, which will be in the enrolment pack that you will receive after enrolment. The assessment timetable will also be available on the College website.
  • If you enrol in the year preceding the start of your academic year, you must contact the College for a timetable that is applicable to the year in which you will be doing your assessments.
  • All School Based Assessment (SBA) tasks have to be completed and submitted for marking within the timeframes prescribed by the College.
  • The SBA mark contributes 25% towards your total mark and the final examination contributes 75% towards your total mark for each subject.

Controlled Tests

  • You must write controlled tests for all the subjects that you are studying. This will be in addition to the examinations that will also be written for each subject that you are studying.
  • Controlled tests are tests that take place under supervised, examination conditions. It is a shorter version of an examination.
  • The dates and times for controlled tests will be in your enrolment pack that you will receive after enrolment. It will also be posted on the College website. These dates and times are subject to change. You must consult the college website ( for the most up-to-date information.
  • The college will only provide controlled test venues in major centres in each province in South Africa.
  • Special arrangements cannot be made for learners who live on the outskirts of major centres.
  • All controlled tests and examinations for the subjects that you are studying must be written in the same year.
  • Controlled tests will NOT be in your study guide.
  • You will be provided with a study schedule, which can be found in your study guide.

Life Orientation

  • One of the tasks that you have to complete for Life Orientation, is a Physical Education Task (PET).
  • This task comprises four sections. One section will be completed for each of the 4 terms.
  • You have to attend face-to-face contact sessions throughout the year, with a Life Orientation educator, for the evaluation of your Physical Education Task (PET). The marks obtained for your Physical Education Tasks (PET) will form part of your SBA mark. Your study guide for Life Orientation will stipulate the number of compulsory contact sessions for each section of this task.
  • Life Orientation (PET) sessions will take place on Saturdays.
  • The dates on which assessments for the PET task will take place will be in the Orientation Guide that will be included with your enrolment pack. The College will inform you if there are any changes to these dates. You must also check the College website regularly for the latest information available.
  • It is important that you attend EVERY contact session. If you fail to attend a contact session, then you will receive a zero for that particular session. In addition to this, you will be liable for the costs incurred for the assessment.
  • Additional information for the completion of this task is available from the College.

Oral Component for Languages

  • You will be required to do assessments for the Oral component of the languages that you are studying. These will be face-to-face contact sessions with qualified language educators.
  • The assessment for the oral component for the languages is a formal examination that is compulsory. It will form part of your SBA mark and part of your final examination mark.
  • The oral examinations are part of a formal examination session and therefore it is compulsory that you attend these. Should you not attend any of the oral examinations, you will fail the entire subject and will have to repeat the subject the following year.
  • The dates on which the oral examination will take place will be in the enrolment pack that you will receive after enrolment. These dates are subject to change. You must consult the college website ( for the latest information available.
  • Venues will be in major centres in South Africa only. Special arrangements cannot be made for learners who live on the outskirts of major centres.

Learner Evidence of Performance File/Portfolio

  • The college as part of your studies, compile (put together) a portfolio for each subject.
  • A portfolio for a particular subject will contain all the required school based assessment tasks/assignments that you have completed (and that have been marked by the College) for each subject.
  • You must keep your portfolio for each subject neatly filed in a safe place for the duration of your studies (and at least 6 months afterwards), because the College may, at any time, request that you submit it for moderation.
  • Your portfolio will be internally moderated by the College AND externally moderated by the Department of Basic Education (DBE).


  • The final examinations for Grade 10 contributes 75% towards your final mark for each subject. Your progress to Grade 11 is determined by the final examination mark for each subject, as well as the marks obtained for school based assessment.
  • Your final examinations for Grade 10 will be internal examinations administered by INTEC College.
  • Upon FINAL acceptance of your enrolment with the college, you will automatically be registered for all assessment requirements for your subject/s.
  • The college will only provide examination venues in major centres in each province in South Africa. Special arrangements cannot be made for learners who live on the outskirts of major centres.
  • Examination fees are excluded from your enrolment fees. Examination fees are R650 per subject and are subject to change. Examination fees are payable by 31 March 2016.
  • You will be examined and assessed on prescribed literature for all languages that you select. Prescribed textbooks and additional study aids for all subjects are NOT included in the course. You will need to source and purchase prescribed literature textbooks and additional study aids from external suppliers or publishers.
  • Upon successful completion of Grade 10, you will be issued with a progress report.
  • Final examinations for Grade 10 will be conducted in October/November only.

Minimum Pass Requirements

  • You need to complete all the required assessments for 7 subjects, 4 of which are compulsory subjects, and are called fundamentals. The other three subjects are called electives.
  • The Fundamentals are: A home language, a first additional language, life orientation, mathematics OR mathematical literacy.
  • You need to obtain 40% for 3 subjects, one of which must be a Home Language. The other 2 can be any other 2 subjects.
  • You will be required to obtain 30% for 3 other subjects.

Learning Material

Prescribed textbooks and additional study aids for all subjects are not included in this course. Learners will have to source and purchase these from and/or external suppliers and publishers. Learners can request the prescribed textbook list from the sales consultants.

In summary: You need to pass 3 subjects with 40% (of which one must be a Home Language) and 3 with 30%. Even though you need not meet the minimum pass requirement (30%) for the 7th subject, you MUST have completed all the school based assessment (SBA) requirements, including examinations for the 7th subject, in order to be considered for promotion to the next grade.

Course Fees (Contact a Student Consultant for information on course fees

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