SACS High School Subjects

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SACS High School Subjects

The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy (CAPS) is followed in all subjects, except for AS – and A-level Cambridge subjects. The qualifying certificate at the end of Grade 12 is the National Senior Certificate (NSC)

General Education and Training (GET):

Grades 8 and 9 do all compulsory subjects, plus a choice of Isixhosa, French, Visual Arts and Music

Further Education and Training (FET)

Grades 10, 11 and 12 complete following compulsory subjects: English (Home Language), Afrikaans (1stAdditional Language) or Isixhosa (1st Additional Language), Mathematics or Maths Literacy and Life Orientation
Choice Subjects to make up seven subjects:  Physical Science, Life Science, Music, French (1nd Additional), Geography, History, Visual Arts, Economics, Accounting, Information Technology.

Cambridge “AS” and “A” Levels.

In addition to the normal FET Curriculum, senior SACS students may choose to take A-level Cambridge subjects in English, Mathematics, Biology or Chemistry. The students will commence these in their Grade 10 year and complete in May of their Grade 12 Year.

Information Technology.

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SACS offers 4 A-Level Subjects: English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology – these subjects are only offered to SACS Pupils.

The course starts in Grade 10 and they write their A-Level exams in May of their Grade 12 year.

Our mission

Our mission is to deliver world-class international education through the provision of curricula, assessment and services. We are committed to extending access to the benefits of high-quality education around the globe. Our programmes and qualifications develop successful learners and support the economic performance of countries where we work at national level.


Cambridge International A & AS Levels in English Language and Literature in English are accepted by universities and employers as proof of knowledge and understanding.

Successful English language students gain lifelong skills including:

• the ability to write clearly and persuasively;

• the ability to use appropriate styles and registers for different contexts;

• the ability to analyse a variety of complex texts in different forms and styles;

• an understanding of language use to inform and persuade.


Pure Mathematics and Mechanics is the only option available.

Cambridge International A & AS Level Mathematics is accepted by universities and employers as proof of mathematical knowledge and understanding.

Successful candidates gain lifelong skills, including:

• a deeper understanding of mathematical principles;

• the further development of mathematical skills including the use of applications of mathematics in the context of everyday situations and in other subjects that they may be studying;

• the ability to analyse problems logically, recognising when and how a situation may be represented mathematically;

• the use of mathematics as a means of communication;

• a solid foundation for further study.



A and AS Level Biology builds on the skills acquired at IGCSE (or equivalent) level. The syllabus includes the main theoretical concepts which are fundamental to the subject, a section on some current applications of biology, and a strong emphasis on advanced practical skills. Practical skills are assessed in a timetabled practical examination. The emphasis throughout is on the understanding of concepts and the application of biology ideas in novel contexts, as well as on the acquisition of knowledge. The course will foster creative thinking and problem-solving skills which are transferable to any future career path, and A and AS Level Biology is ideal for students who want to study biology or a wide variety of related subjects at university or to follow a career in science.

Why choose Cambridge International A & AS Level Biology?

• confidence in a technological world, with an informed interest in scientific matters

• an understanding of the usefulness (and limitations) of scientific method, and its application in other subjects and in everyday life

• an understanding of how scientific theories and methods have developed, and continue to  develop, as a result of groups and individuals working together

• an understanding that the study and practice of biology are affected and limited by social, economic, technological, ethical and cultural factors

• an awareness that the application of biological science in everyday life may be both helpful and harmful to the individual, the community and the environment

• knowledge that biological science overcomes national boundaries

• the ability to communicate effectively using universal scientific conventions

• an awareness of the importance of IT

• a concern for accuracy and precision

• an understanding of the importance of safe practice

• improved awareness of the importance of objectivity, integrity, enquiry, initiative and inventiveness

• an interest in, and care for, the local and global environment and an understanding of the need for conservation.

• an excellent foundation for studies beyond A Level in biological sciences, in further or higher education, and for professional courses.

Should you wish to access the CIE home page, you may use the direct link below:


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