SEADOG Commercial Diving School
SEADOG is located in Saldanha Bay, approximately 120km from Cape Town, on the West Coast of South Africa.
The Port of Saldanha is the deepest and largest natural port in the Southern Hemisphere. It is ideally located to hold a dominant position in the growth of the oil and gas industry.The closest airport is Cape Town International.
SEADOG Commercial diving School offers the following courses:
* C-DOC is an IMCA recognised Training establishment member
- IMCA Diver Medic: DMT Full Course: 2 weeks
- IMCA Diver Medic: DMT Refresher Course: 1 week
IMCA Trainee Air Diving Supervisor: TADS: 2 weeks
Kirby Morgan Hat Courses
*SEADOG is an authorised Kirby Morgan Training facility. The only school in SA authorised to train Kirby Morgan user operator and technician courses.
User operator Course: 2 days
Hat Technician training: 3 days
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Courses
SA ROV : SA ROV Training facility
Chamber Courses
Chamber Attendant
Chamber Operator
First Aid Courses
*Training is provided by C-DOC registered Health Care Professionals with experience in the emergency care and diving medicine.
Practical Diving First aid : for divers
Occupational Diving First Aid : for Diving Supervisors
Oxygen administration : for Divers
Advanced Oxygen Administration : for Diving Supervisors
Approaches to Safety : Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Diving Emergency Response Planning
STCW Courses
STCW-95 code A-VI/1-3)
(STCW-95 code A-VI/4-2)
STCW-95 code A-VI/4-2)
Admission Requirements
If you are considering a career in diving, the following minimum requirements have to be met : Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in a student not being permitted to commence training:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- A valid, in-date commercial diving medical certificate performed by a doctor qualified in hyperbaric medicine (your recreational medical certificate is not acceptable). This certificate must be valid for the duration of your course.
- Be a competent swimmer: competence will be demonstrated by completing 300 meter freestyle swim and breath hold for a minimum of 20 seconds, swim 25m underwater, recover an object from 5m underwater and tread water for 1 minute.
- Be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, decimals and fractions, calculate percentages, and solve simple formulas i.e. gas laws.
- Must be competent in the English Language: Understand written and verbal communications in English and be able to communicate with other people. SEADOG will not allow any student to complete training if they cannot communicate freely in the English Language. Limited command of the English Language severely compromises the safety of training.
Before applying to SEADOG commercial diving school you need the enrollment form. Below are the SEADOG enrollment forms for application :
Enrollment Forms
Enrollment Forms Class II Offshore Commercial Diver Full Package: 90 Days
Click here to enroll on line: SEADOG Offshore – Oil and gas – Enrollment
IMCA DMT Full Coure: 2 weeks: Click here to enroll on line: C-DOC IMCA DMT – Enrollment Form
IMCA Trainee Air Diving Supervisor: 1 week Click here to enroll on line: SEADOG IMCA Trainee ADS – Enrollment Form
Recognition of Prior learning – RPL (Experienced Divers) Click here to enroll on line: SEADOG RPL – Offshore – Enrollment form
You are welcome to phone us
Tel: +27 (0)22 714 0222
Tel: +27 (0)22 714 0333
Tel: +27 (0)22 714 1226
Cel: +27 (0)82 567 7078