Tshwane University of Technology TUT Fees

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Tshwane University of Technology TUT Fees


It is the policy of Tshwane University of Technology that a registered student of the University shall be fully liable for the payment of all prescribed fees, even if he or she cancels his or her registration partially or in full, and leaves the University, irrespective of whether he or she has attended classes or not. The University con- siders applications for the refunding of fees and/or exemption from fees on the grounds of extraordinary cir- cumstances.



The Council of the Tshwane University of Technology reserves the right to adjust the fees payable without prior notice.


1.2.1Tuition fees are payable per subject, except in the case of a dissertation or thesis.

1.2.2If a subject is repeated, the required class fees have to be paid again.

1.2.3The fees payable for the different subjects appear in a separate publication pertaining to fees. This publication is available on TUT’s website.


Please note that the University no longer accepts cash as a method of payment for tuition, meals and residence fees. Cash payments shall, however still be accepted for payment of the following:

Academic records/results; and

Library and traffic fines;

Proof of registration;

Student account statements.


The student has to pay a confirmation payment of R500 within three (3) weeks of the date of the acceptance letter, in order to reserve his or her place in the programme. Ignoring this will result in the automatic cancellation of the place.

That payment, less R220, shall be refunded only if a prospective student is prevented from regis- tering for a valid reason for example, if he or she fails Grade 12.

1.3.2INITIAL PAYMENT ON REGISTRATION minimum initial payment of R1 500 is payable by newcomer students and returning students, before registration, as the first instalment of the total tuition fees charged. Payments made into the University bank account takes three (3) working days before it reflects on the students’ state- ment of account. The electronic payment over the University cashier counters will reflect on the students’ statement of account immediately. fees of accommodation fees:

No advance payment is required on submission of the residence application form.

A compulsory advance payment of R1 200 is required before residence registration.

4Student Fees semester residence fees comprise 50% of the annual residence fee. will be charged on all instalments or accounts that are in arrears. fees for the current year should be settled by 30 October. in respect of accommodation fees are possible only if a resident signs off at the residence on the actual day on which he or she leaves the residence. Last dates for credits are as follows:

31 March for first semester accommodation.

30 September for yearly and second semester accommodation. fees are available on request from the Residence Administration and Information

Office at the relevant campus. dates for payable fees

First-semester accommodation

The balance of the residence fees is payable in four (4) instalments: on 31 January, 28 February,

31 March and 30 April respectively.

Second-semester accommodation

The balance of the residence fees is payable in four (4) instalments: on 31 July, 31 August, 30

Sep-tember and 30 October.

Year accommodation

The balance of the residence fees is payable in ten (10) instalments, from 1 January up to and including 31 Otober. (Pretoria Campus only)

The Alma & Du Toit, Zaragosapark and Zethushof flats are managed as ordinary flats. Allocations are made strictly according to the waiting list. Fees are available on request from the respective managers.

Contact details:

Alma & Du Toit: 012 440 8101

Zaragosapark: 012 330 3427

Zethushof: 012 3441625 houses (Pretoria Campus only)

Daily, weekly or monthly tariffs may be obtained by phoning 012 341 0849.


First-semester programmes

The balance of the class fees is payable in three (3) instalments: on 28 February, 31 March and 30 April respectively.

Second-semester programmes

The balance of the class fees is payable in three (3) instalments: on 31 August, 30 September and 30 October respectively.

Year programmes

The balance of the class fees is payable in nine (9) instalments, from 28 February up to and including 30 October.

Student Fees


Research report, dissertation or thesis

The balance is payable in nine (9) instalments, from 27 February up to and including 30 October.


A discount of 5% shall be granted if the full amount of the class fees for year programmes is paid in full by 30 April (excluding bursaries from the Directorate of Financial Aid and NSFAS allocations).

The application for a discount should reach the Student Debtors Department before 30 April. programmes

A discount of 5% shall be granted as follows (excluding bursaries from the Financial Aid Bureau and NSFAS allocations):

First semester: payment of the full account by 28 February.

Second semester: payment of the full account before 31 August.

Application for a discount should reach the Student Debtors Department before 31 August. discount on class fees

Family discounts apply to class fees only. If two (2) or more members of the same household study simultaneously at the University, they are eligible for the following discounts:

Second student:15% discount.

Third and successive students: 25% discount each.

Applications for discounts should be submitted to the Student Debtors Department in writing, sup- ported by certified copies of the following documentation:

Birth certificate(s) of student(s); and

ID document of parents.

Discounts shall be granted in the registration period for the specific year only and not retrospectively. on residence fees

NO DISCOUNT shall be granted in respect of residence fees.


The following payment methods may be used:

Cash (please see rule 1.3);

Cheques (post-dated cheques shall not be accepted);

Credit cards;

Debit cards;

Electronic payments via the Internet;

International bank drafts;

Postal orders; and

Travellers cheques.

6Student Fees bank guaranteed cheques shall be accepted, and only on the following conditions:

The cheque should be made out to the Tshwane University of Technology.

The date on the cheque should be valid – the cheque may not be post-dated or outdated.

The amount should be the same in words and figures.

The cheque should be signed in full.

The drawer’s ID number and telephone number should appear on the cheque.

If it is a company cheque, the registration number of the company should appear on the cheque.

No alterations may be made on cheques.

A cheque with a bank stamp shall not be accepted, in other words, cheques shall not be re- deposited. payments at banks

The Tshwane University of Technology has accounts at Standard Bank and ABSA Bankwhere students may make payments to pay their student debts. Specially designed deposit slips that are available at the Student Debtors Department, or which are attached to the account statements, may be used for that purpose.

Bank details:

ABSA Bank (main account – exclusively for application fee):

Account holder:

Tshwane University of Technology

Account number:

040 000 003

Branch code:


Account type:

Cheque or current account


Identity number

ABSA Bank (student account):

Account holder:

Tshwane University of Technology

Account number:

405 314 2603

Branch code:


Account type:

Cheque or current account


Student number

Standard Bank:

Account holder:

Tshwane University of Technology

Account number:

011 414 154 (student account)

011 418 893 (meal account)


West End

Branch code:


Account type:

Cheque or current account


Student number at post offices

Student accounts may be paid at any post office by using only the specially designed deposit slips attached to the account statements.

SA post office details:

Account number:

024 (tuition and residence fees)

Branch Code:



Student number

Student Fees

7 by employers or by means of bursaries or NSFAS grants

Written proof of such sponsorship or a bursary letter should be submitted on the day of registration.

Only original sponsorship or bursary letters shall be accepted. No photocopies or faxed letters are acceptable.


1.4.1Interest payable

If instalments are in arrears, interest at the banker’s prime rate less 1% shall be charged on overdue instalments after the last payment date of the account.

1.4.2Refusal to render services

In cases where students’ accounts or other fees, as approved by the Executive Management Com- mittee of the University, have not been settled or the replacement fee has not been paid by the set dates, the University reserves the right to refuse to –

register such students;

issue such students with student cards; and

accommodate such students in residences.

The examination results of such students may also be withheld, and University may refuse to issue them with a certificate of good conduct or to confer a diploma or degree on them.

1.4.3Refunding a credit balance on an account credit balance on a student’s account shall be paid out on the written request of the student, the student’s sponsor, parent (if a minor) or employer.

A completed application form for refund on credit amounts should be submitted to the Student Debtors Department accompanied by the following supporting documents:

A certified copy of identification or original ID book;

A confirmation of banking details from the bank, bank statement or cancelled cheque; and

A letter of consent by the sponsor, employer or parent. of a programme does not mean that residence accommodation is automatically can- celled, as well. The student should actually sign off at the residence.

Reductions in accommodation fees shall be granted only if a resident signs off at the residence on the actual day on which he or she leaves the residence.


1.5.1Application fee

A fee of R240 has to be paid on application for admission in respect of all first applications to the

Tshwane University of Technology. It is not refundable.

1.5.2Examination fees

No examination fees are payable in respect of main examinations or supplementary examinations. amount of R515 (first and additional subject(s)) is payable when applying to sit for exams elsewhere. Please note that it does not include distance education. Only main examination will be considered, not supplementary or special examinations.

8Student Fees

1.5.3Additional payment for normal late registration

An additional R360 per registration shall be charged if a student is permitted to register after the final date of registration.

1.5.4Administrative costs in respect of dishonoured cheques

A student who pays his or her account by cheque, and whose cheque is returned by the bank, shall be penalised and he or she shall have to pay R300 plus a levy of 10% on the cheque amount. In addition, he or she shall have to pay all subsequent fees in cash.

1.5.5Duplicate student card

An amount of R90 is payable per duplicate.

1.5.6Duplicate personal examination timetable

An amount of R35 for distance education students.

1.5.7Special examinations

Aegrotat (sick) examinations: R88 per subject.

Exceptional cases: R525 per subject.

Special circumstances and exit examination: R173 per subject.

1.5.8Duplicate statement of results R10 per statement.

1.5.9Academic reports

Computer printouts: R14 per report.

Non-computerised records: R137 per report.

Computer printouts for distance education students (faxed or posted): R35.

1.5.10Exemption of subjects

R111 per subject up to a maximum of R625 (payable with application).

1.5.11Granting of status

R171 (payable with application).

1.5.12Proof of registration after registration closing date R10 per proof of registration.

1.5.13Re-marking and/or rechecking and/or insight into examination scripts (this is refunded if re-marking changes the mark)

Re-marking of script: R283.

Rechecking of marks: R141.

Insight into script: R141.

1.5.14Examination enquiries about results after the closing date R47 per enquiry.

1.5.15Meal fees

Fundi meal system: R20 000 per annum for three (3) meals a day.

Student Fees


1.5.16Internal fees

The amount mentioned in the residence confirmation letter is payable when the student reports at the residence.

1.5.17Student services fee

A non-refundable amount of R280 is payable to cover direct student services expenses (not ap- plicable to postgraduate, distance education and work-integrated learning students).

1.5.18International students

An additional amount of R1 500 per student per annum is payable on registration.

1.5.19Electronic resource centres (ERC)

R230 per student per annum (not applicable to postgraduate and work-integrated learning students). Postgraduate students are excluded from paying the student services and electronic resource levy, but if they want to use the electronic resource centres, they have to pay for such use.

1.5.20Duplicate invoice or account R10 per invoice or account.

1.5.21Old syllabi/transcripts R442 per application.

1.5.22Penalty for simultaneous registration at other institutions without prior permission R568 per subject.

1.5.23Exit examinationSee Rule 1.5.7.

1.5.24Penalty for distance education students

Change of examination venue after closing date: R1 119.00.

Submitting the same assignment more than once for marking: R130 per assignment.

1.5.25Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Application fee: R329.

Assessment fee: R595 per assessment.

1.5.26Statement on replacement of certificate

R223 per statement.


Student extracurricular fee (SEF) levy of R550 as defined in paragraph 49 of the VAT Act is payable upon registration. This fee is compulsory for all registered TUT students.


The following cancellation credits apply when a student discontinues his or her studies before the end of the semester or year:

10Student Fees


A student shall forfeit R220 of the R1 500 initial payment if he or she does not turn up (non-registered students – newcomers) after the closing date for registration. payment on registration

Cancellation until 9 February: the student shall not be liable for any percentage of the full tuition fee for the year, but will forfeit R220 of the initial payment. fee

Cancellation from 12 February to 29 March: the student shall be liable for 30% of the full tuition fee for the year.

Cancellation from 3 April to 27 July: the student shall be liable for 50% of the full tuition fee for the year.

Cancellation, in exceptional cases and with permission from Academic Administration, after

27 July: the student will be liable for 100% of the full tuition fee for the year.


A student shall forfeit R220 of the R1 500 initial payment if he or she does not turn up (non-registered students – newcomers). payment

Cancellation until 9 February: the student shall not be liable for any percentage of the tuition fee for the semester, but will forfeit R220 of the initial payment. fee

Cancellation from 12 February to 9 March: the student shall be liable for 60% of the full tuition fee for the semester.

Cancellation, in exceptional cases and with permission from Academic Administration, after 9 March: the student shall be liable for 100% of the full tuition fee for the semester.


A student shall forfeit R220 of the R1 500 initial payment if he or she does not turn up (non-registered students – newcomers). payment

Cancellation until 8 August: the student shall not be liable for any percentage of the tuition fee for the semester, but will forfeit R220 of the initial payment. fee

Cancellation from 13 August to 14 September: the student shall be liable for 60% of the full tuition fee for the semester.

Cancellation, in exceptional cases and with permission from Academic Administration, after 14 September: the student will be liable for 100% of the full tuition fee for the semester.

Student Fees 11


No credit for cancellation – dealt with according to merit.


1.8.1Admission Test fee (Graduate Management Aptitude Test)

Please see the Business School application form on TUT’s website for more details.

1.8.2Application fee

A fee of R240 shall be paid on application for admission in respect of all first applications to the Tshwane University of Technology. This amount is not refundable.


The quotation provided is for tuition fees, that is, a fee for subjects or a programme a student intends to register for which consists of a subject fee, subject levy and/or a laboratory fee.


If a student repeats a subject and he or she can prove to the satisfaction of the Head of the Depart- ment that he or she is in possession of the relevant material included in the levy, an application can be submitted by the Head of the Department to the Directorate of Finance for a refund of the levy. This concession is only applicable to students who repeat a subject.


Go to www.tut.ac.za;

Click on Enrolment;

Select Online Registration;

Login into your secure online system;

Click on Financial Statements; and

Select Summarised Statement of Account to make use of the available information about your student account.


The contact information for student account inquiries, prior debt arrangements and information center are the following:

General:Tel: 086 110 2421

Email: stufinservices@tut.ac.za

Study fees quotation: Tel: 086 110 2421

Email: general@tut.ac.za

Gap Grant: Enquiries: gapgrant@tut.ac.za

Counter services are available at the following campus sites:

Emalahleni Campus

Building 7, room g41, counters 1 and 2

Ga-Rankuwa Campus

Building 30, counters 1 and 2

Mbombela Campus (Nelspruit Campus)

Building 1, rooms g78 – g80, counter 1

Polokwane Campus

Building 1, counters 1 and 2

Pretoria Campus

Building 21, ground floor, counters 31 – 39

Soshanguve Campus

Building 12, cashier counters

12Student Fees

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