UKZN Architecture Library | University of KwaZulu-Natal

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UKZN Architecture Library | University of KwaZulu-Natal

Contact Information: Telephone: +27-31-2602716 Fax: +27-31-2602051  Staff members


Facilities: Photocopiers


Location: 7th level, Denis Shepstone Building. Campus map


Library Layout: View floor plan
Library hours

The Architecture library was established in 1969 and named after an influential teacher and architect. The Barry Biermann Architecture Library serves the needs of the staff and students of the School of Architecture, Planning and Housing.

The collection consists of almost 35 000 volumes of books, journals, plans, models, and rare early architectural books. Journals are arranged in alphabetical order on the shelves.

The Early Architecture Collection (EA) consists of rare and valuable books in the field of architecture. These books are non-loanable. They are distinguished from books in other collections by the prefix EA in their shelf location number e.g. EA 722.8 SAY

Housed in the Architecture Library is a Technical Reference Library of trade literature, slides and drawings (including local drawings of historic value and some excellent student work).

Special rules which apply to resources:
·     Academic Reserve material may be borrowed overnight and on week-end loan
·     Journals may not be borrowed
·     Books and journals required for scanning purposes must be checked out at the Issue Desk
·     LAN access is via the library from 8:00-22:00 during term time and requires an access control disc

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