UKZN Occupational Therapy Research Opportunities
Externally funded projects:
The department is involved in various externally funded projects:
Sustainable Livelihoods for Disabled Youth
Currently, a National collaborative research project titled ‘Disabled Youth Enabling Sustainable livelihoods’ (DYESL) is being conducted at six universities and 12 corresponding sites in South Africa viz the Universities of Cape Town, Free State, KwaZulu- Natal (UKZN), Limpopo and Witwatersrand; the UKZN component of this particular study is based at Cato Manor and Molweni districts in the Valley of a Thousand Hills in KwaZulu-Natal.
The department has been involved with collaborative research with the department of geriatrics at medical school in a SANPAD funded project which looked at “The influence of socio-economic and environmental factors on the health status and quality of life of older persons in the INK area of KwaZulu Natal 2009-2010”
The research is currently in the write up phase, with feedback to the community being a priority.