UNISA Centre for Continuing Education and Training


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UNISA Centre for Continuing Education and Training

Centre for Continuing Education and Training

Education, training and development are important aspects of a democratic, vibrant and prosperous society.  The new education dispensation in South Africa stresses an integrated approach to education and training of good quality. The Centre for Continuing Education and Training (CCET) provides opportunities for individuals to gain access to and succeed in lifelong education, training and community development.


The Centre for Continuing Education and Training is striving to become the first choice innovative centre for teacher in-service training


The Centre for Continuing Education and Training is committed to provide quality classroom and community based education and training programmes through:

  • Developing and promoting high standards of professional knowledge, expertise and competence in teaching and community education and training
  • Designing client-based training programmes and courses
  • Facilitating, collaborating and networking with teachers, communities, other universities, national and provincial education departments, businesses, interested parties and relevant stakeholders
  • Offering training programmes and courses both face-to-face and through an ODL approach
  • Organising conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops; publishing newsletters in collaboration with UNISA College of Education,  and circulating such material among stakeholders

Contact us

Tel: 012 481 2731/2831/2816/2831
Fax to email: 086 651 4772
E-mail: ctdregistration@unisa.ac.za

Tel: 012 481 2813/ 2731/2816
Fax to email: 086 651 4772
E-mail: ctdregistration@unisa.ac.za

Tel: 012 429 3111
Fax: 429 4150
E-mail: exams@unisa.ac.za

Study material
Tel: 012 4812816 / 2731/2813
Fax: 086 651 4772
E-mail: ctcetstudymaterial@unisa.ac.za

Student finances
Tel: 012 481 2831
Fax to email: 086 651 4772
Email: ctcetfinance@unisa.ac.za

Tel: 012 429 3111
Fax to email: 429 4150
E-mail: assign@unisa.ac.za

Tel: 012 481 2731/2816
Fax to email: 086 651 4772
E-mail: ctcetceremonies@unisa.ac.za

No online application process and online registration for 2016

For more information, send an e-mail to ctdregistration@unisa.ac.za
Centre for Continuing Educaton and Training
Sunnyside Campus Building 10 (Baesement)
Cnr Justice Mahomed & Steve Biko street
Sunnyside Campus

Centre for Continuing Education and Training
Sunnyside Campus Building 10 (Baesement)
College of Education
University of South Africa
PO Box 392

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