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University of Johannesburg UJ Undergraduate Psychology Courses

University of Johannesburg UJ Undergraduate Psychology

Psychology Degrees

The BA (Psychology) degree package is currently under revision–details on the new degree package will be available on this website soon. Please note that the Department of Psychology is currently reviewing all of its undergraduate offerings.​
P​sychology 1A
The module is aimed at providing learners with a broad theoretical foundation for further studies in psychology. To this end learners encounter topics that encompass three inter-related explanatory approaches, namely biological, e.g. the role of the brain in human behaviour; psychological, e.g. cognition, motivation, and emotion; and environmental explanations, e.g. socio-cultural influences.

Psychology 1B

The module is aimed at providing learners with an introduction to four defining fields in contemporary psychology, namely developmental psychology, personality psychology, social psychology, and health psychology. Familiarity with the major concepts and issues related to each of these fields should enable learners to engage with these fields on an advanced level in further studies.

Psychology 2A (Developmental Psychology)

Developmental Psychology is an important course in Psychology. It introduces the basic principles of human development, which helps the psychology student to conceptualise and understand the ever changing human being from conception to death. This conceptualisation and understanding is useful in everyday life (enhances understanding of e.g. family members, friends and work colleagues of different ages) and imperative for the psychologist-to-be.

Psychology 2B (Research Psychology)
Research Psychology introduces learners to the research process in the behavioural sciences and assists them in developing an understanding of the critical considerations related to the research process. Furthermore, this course will familiarize learners with the description and interpretation of data in the behavioural sciences.

Psychology 2C (Social Psychology)

Social Psychology exposes students to current questions and research within the discipline of social psychology. Social psychology is the scientific study of human interaction, cognition, and behaviour within groups, societies, and organizations. This module aims to instruct students in the empirical and theoretical contributions of social psychology to the larger discipline of psychology.

Psychology 2D (Positive Psychology)

The purpose of this module is to provide students with knowledge on the basic theory and concepts of the emerging field of positive psychology. Some of these concepts include: positive emotions, happiness, signature strengths, flow and creativity, psychological well-being, optimism, hope, wisdom, forgiveness, altruism, spirituality, meaning and purpose in life.​

Psychology 2E (Sport Psychology)
The purpose of this module is to provide an introduction to the field of sport psychology and indicate its relevance within the discipline of Psychology. The module will also familiarize learners with psychological programmes and techniques used in the sporting context to enhance the performance of athletes.
Psychology 2F (Contemporary Psychology)
Contemporary Psychology will offer content units that draw upon current developments within psychology, and that are critical in shaping the discipline of psychology. Normally, only one of the topic areas will form the focus for the module‟s content, but more than one topic areas may also be included, at the discretion of the department of Psychology. Specific topic areas selected fall within the discretion of the Head of the Department of Psychology.
Psychology 3A (Research Psychology)
This module builds on the knowledge that has already been acquired in Research Psychology and introduces learners to more advanced research design in the behavioural sciences. In this module learners are expected to develop understanding of the practical applications of specific research design and to familiarize them with the description and manipulation of data using data analysis software.
Psychology 3B (Personality Psychology)
Review of the concept of personality and core issues surrounding the topic of personality Freudian Theory and Research; Neo-Freudian Theory and Research; Trait Theory and Research; Theory and Research in the Biological Approach; Humanistic Theory and Research; Behavioural/Social Learning Theory and Research; Theory and Research in the Cognitive Approach.
Psychology 3C (Child and Family Psychology)
The purpose of this module is to gain knowledge of theory and the applicatory value of various constructs presented in this module. To develop a theoretical conceptualization of Child Psychology and a critical insight into the various explanatory models thereof. To integrate intervention framework and models with the aforementioned theory, and demonstrate academic writing skills and critical insight. This module will cover, amongst others topics relating to the ecology of the child, socialization, family, parenting and community.
Psychology 3D (Psychopathology)
The purpose of Psychopathology is to expose learners to a multidimensional approach to understanding psychopathology. This model is aimed at exposing learners to the historical context of understanding psychopathology as well as current approaches, including assessment and diagnostic criteria. Learners will be introduced to a scope of categories of psychological disorder, with an emphasis on conceptualisations of multiple causality.
Psychology 3E (Community Psychology)
The purpose of this module is to provide students with a broad understanding of what community psychology entails and the importance of context in working within South African communities. Focus on the different theories in community psychology. On completion of this module, students will have knowledge about the theories and contextual issues in community psychology and be able to apply this knowledge in the broad discipline of psychology.
Psychology 3F (Psychotherapeutic Models)
This purpose of Psychology (Psychotherapy: Theories and Models) is to expose learners to a comparative analysis of various psychotherapy systems by introducing learners to a number of the older and newer models of psychotherapy within the contexts of the psychological theories that inform them. Learners will encounter concepts pertaining to the basic change processes that underlie contemporary systems of psychotherapy, as well as a means to compare and evaluate their relative efficacies in offering treatments to specific clients/patients with specific presenting problems. The module aims to equip the student with the ability to discuss a transtheoretical analysis of various psychotherapy systems.
Psychology 3G (Cognitive Psychology)
The purpose of Cognitive Psychology is to expose students to one of the most important and influential sub disciplines within Scientific Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and to train them in the most important methodological approaches in investigating cognitive processes in human and non-human animals. Topics that will be discussed and studies include: Attentional and Perceptual Processes, Memory Systems, Representation and Organization of Knowledge and Information, Language, Reasoning and Problem-solving, Cognitive Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence.​
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