University of South Africa UNISA Exam Timetable 2025-2026

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University of South Africa UNISA Exam Timetable 2025-2026

A student’s study units for each academic period must be selected in such a manner that the examination dates do not clash – NO CLASHES WILL BE PERMITTED.

Examination dates are subject to change by the University. Dates cannot be changed at the request of students.

Step-by-step guide to access MyUnisa

Step-by-step guide to access myLife Email Address (UNISA)

The examination timetable is available via the examination timetable tool.

The final examination timetable will be send to students prior to the applicable examination by post and will contain the following information:

University of South Africa UNISA Undergraduate Online Application 2025-2026

University of South Africa UNISA Postgraduate Online Application 2025-2026

Details on University of South Africa UNISA Online Application 2025-2026

  • A list of the study units in which students qualify for admission to write examinations.
  • A list of study units (if any) in which students do NOT qualify for the examination.
  • Particulars of date(s) and time(s) of examination(s).
  • Particulars of the examination centre, address and details of the invigilator.
  • General instructions in respect of examinations.

The examination timetable must be read VERY CAREFULLY. On no account will misreading of examination dates or times be considered as a reason for granting admission to a supplementary examination.

The examination instructions appear on the other side of the timetable. Contravention of these instructions could result in the application of the Disciplinary Code for Students.

May / June semester examinations

On 12 April the FINAL TIMETABLE for the May semester examinations will be posted to all candidates concerned.
Any candidate who has NOT received his / her final timetable must IMMEDIATELY contact the Examination Administration Division by sending an e-mail to with your student number.

October / November examinations

On 13 SEPTEMBER the FINAL TIMETABLE for the October examination will be posted to all candidates concerned.
The examinations in study units for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting are also conducted in October/November and those for the Postgraduate Diploma in Auditing in September.

Any candidate who has NOT received his/her final timetable must IMMEDIATELY contact the Examination Administration Division by sending an e-mail to with your student number.

January / February examinations (including supplementary, aegrotat and special examination)

The examinations in study units for the Further Diploma in Education and the postgraduate diploma in Advanced Nursing Science, Distance Education, Telecommunications and Information Policy, Tertiary Education, and Translation are conducted in January/February. They begin on or about 08 January and are spread over a period of 4 weeks.

On 8 NOVEMBER the FINAL TIMETABLE will be sent to all candidates via MyLife e-mail. If you have NOT received this timetable you must contact Examination Arrangements immediately to get a duplicate copy.
The examination timetable for the supplementary, aegrotat and special Examinations is posted to candidates together with their examination results.

A basic examination fee for one examination is included in the student fees payable for each study unit.

Additional fees are payable in the following cases
academic year

Aegrotat examination


Special examination


Supplementary examination


Remarking of examination script


Examination period Date of release
January / February 8 March
May / June 27 July
October / November 20 December
  • Final examination result letters will be printed and mailed to students on dates above.
  • Final examination results are being released as they become available on myUnisa.
  • No results will be released to a candidate before he / she has returned all books borrowed from the University Library and settled any outstanding fees.
  • No results will be given telephonically by academics or administrative staff .
  • No timetables for supplementary exams will be made available if fees or library books are owed.

Exam results are made available on following platforms:

  1. E-mail: Register on myUnisa and indicate on your application if you would like to receive your results by email.
  2. Posted: Hard copies of the examination results  are mailed to each candidate after the official date of release/printing.

Please note: 
Confirmation: Completion of qualification: Please note that confirmation of completion of qualifications for students who wrote examinations in:

  • Jan/Feb will be made available as from the end of April
  • May/June will be made available as from the end of August and
  • Oct/Nov will be made available as from the end of January.

Marking and re-marking of examination answer books

Procedures for the remarking of examination scripts are sent to students together with the examination results.

Only those students who obtain 35% – 49% or 68% – 74% in a study unit may apply for the remark of such study unit.

Applications for remarking must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

See amount payable under “Miscellaneous fees” under Study fees on the myUnisa website.

No late applications will be considered.

Closing dates for applications
October / November examinations 31 January
January / February supplementary examinations 1 April
January / February postgraduate examinations 1 April
May / June examinations 29 July
October / November examinations 31 January

Answer scripts that consist only of a mark reading sheet, will not be remarked as these are marked electronically. A student may not apply for a remark in respect of the practical component of an examination.

Students may apply at any of the Unisa offices or via email: The student number must be indicated in the subject heading.

Applications must NOT be directed to academic staff.

An external examiner or moderator who was not involved with the original marking will undertake or verify the remarking.

Remarking results will be made known approximately 2 months after the closing date. The mark awarded after remarking will be the final result, even if it is lower than the original mark.

Remarking fees will be refunded if a student:

  • who originally failed, now PASSES as a result of remarking;
  • who originally failed, now PASSES with a SUBMINIMUM (if applicable) as a result of remarking;
  • is awarded a DISTINCTION as a result of remarking;
  • gains admission to study for a following, higher qualification on the grounds that his / her marks have sufficiently improved as a result of remarking.

UNISA Semester or year course examinations

Semester Examinations

Semester / module examinations are written twice annually:

  • First semester: May / June
  • Second semester: October / November

Examinations for modules which are offered in semesters are written in May / June with the supplementary and aegrotat examinations being written in October / November. Examinations for the second semester are written in October / November with the supplementary and aegrotat examinations being written the following May / June.

Semester examinations are held in the modules of the MBL degree (first and second years of the new curriculum, and second and third years of the old curriculum).
The examinations in the modules of the first semester for the MBL degree are written in May/June, with the supplementary and aegrotat examinations (for students who qualify – see Rule PC21(6) in Part 4 of the Calendar) being written in October/November. The examinations in the modules of the second semester for the MBL degree are written in October/November, with the supplementary and aegrotat examinations (for students who qualify) being written the following January.

Year Course Examinations

Annual courses of a year duration are written in October / November, with the supplementary and aegrotat examinations being written the following January, with the exception of those for the Further Diploma in Education and the postgraduate diplomas in Advanced Nursing Science, Distance Education, Telecommunications and Information Policy, Tertiary Education, and Translation, the examinations of which will be written the following January / February with no option of a supplementary / aegrotat examination.

Students will receive a maximum of two examination opportunities in an academic year, provided that they fulfill the specific criteria for granting of aegrotat, supplementary or special examination and on payment of the prescribed fee.

The examinations in the modules for the Postgraduate Diploma in Auditing and the Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management are held in September.

If a candidate qualifies for a supplementary examination, it will be indicated in his / her examination results. A supplementary examination by virtue of a candidate’s performance in the examinations may be granted.

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