University of Venda UNIVEN Brochure

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University of Venda UNIVEN Brochure

The university of Venda Brochure Can be Downloaded Below


Admission requirement

Degree: The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) as certified by the Council for General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi) with an achievement rating of 4 (adequate achievement, 50-59%) or better in four subjects chosen from the recognised 20-credit NSC subjects. In addition, applicants must have a minimum point score of 26. A grade 12 certificate with a bachelor or matric exemption is required if grade 12 has been achieved.

Email:[/persons][persons name=”Mrs Ouma Ramaboe” job=”Admissions”]Tel: +27 15 962 8983

Email:  /[/persons][persons name=”Mr Takalani Nyelisani” job=”Student Liaison Officer”]Tel: +27 15 962 8882

Email:[/persons][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_tour][vc_tta_section title=”Admission and Registration” tab_id=”1468393148483-dbf94e36-02f0″][v[vc_column_text]mission means approval to report for registration as a student of the University.

Application for admission must be made on the prescribed form, which must be accompanied by the following:

  • a testimonial of good conduct;
  • a Matriculation certificate or, if not yet available, some form of proof that the prospective student complies with the necessary requirements for the degree for which s/he desire to register for or a statement of last school symbol achieved;
  • one passport photograph (one for admission)
  • application fees – no-refundable Postal Order;
  • Copy of pages 1 of Identity Document.

No person shall be admitted as a candidate for a degree unless he has obtained the Matriculation certificate of the Committee of University Principals (SAUVCA) or a certificate of exemption from the Matriculation examination. It may be required of a prospective student to pass an ENTRANCE TEST before being granted permission to register. Alternatively, it may be required of a student to take SPECIAL MODULES in certain disciplines.

Appropriate prior learning in a specified area of study shall also be recognised. The criteria to assess prior learning shall be determined by Senate.

Unless the Senate grants special permission, modules taken outside a prescribed curriculum, i.e “extra-curricula” modules, shall be subject to the same admission requirements as modules taken within the prescribed curriculum for a degree or diploma.

Registration of Students (Chapter 10, Section 86, Statute of University of Venda )

A student must report for registration on the dates and during the times specified.

Each candidate for registration must complete and sign the prescribed registration form and submit it to the Dean of the School concerned for approval, giving details of the module(s) he intends to follow.

The full fees for the semester are payable in advance and not later than the date specified.

Only registered students may attend lectures.

A person registering as a student must complete and sign the official registration form, thus binding himself to observe the rules of the University. A person shall only be admitted to a module for a degree or diploma if his/her curriculum has been approved by the Dean of the School concerned. An approved curriculum may subsequently be amended within a specified period, provided that the amended curriculum conforms to the rules in force at the time of the amendment.

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