Varsity College Computer Courses

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Varsity College Computer Courses

IIE Bachelor of Computer & Information Sciences in Application Development
Introduction to IIE Bachelor of Computer & Information Sciences in Application Development

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The IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences in Application Development provides candidates with a thorough theoretical grounding and knowledge base in the key principles of information technology (IT), programming, mobile application development across platforms, web development, database design, troubleshooting, testing, connectivity, customisation and project management. Graduates will develop meaningful software development acumen grounded in a deep understanding of holistic application programming and development. This qualification has been designed to develop graduates’ abilities to design, implement and manage solution‐focused, systemic thinkers who can develop software solutions for any device or platform in the South African economy.

The outcomes for this qualification were identified as critical to drive a successful career in software development providing competent desktop and mobile application developers in the private and the public sectors. By understanding business processes in the context of business rules, graduates will be able to solve business problems and meet business needs through software application development. Graduates will be suitably prepared to demonstrate competencies in application development, and to contribute to the economic well‐being of their organisation in a responsible manner.

What is this Degree’s accreditation status?

The IIE’s Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences in Application Development (BCAD) is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and is registered by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) as a 365 credit qualification on level 7 (SAQA ID:97600).

Who is the Bachelor’s degree aimed at?

This Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences in Application Development (BCAD) degree is aimed at students who are keen to the emergence of Cloud Computing as a technology, mobile application as well as web development processes. This degree addresses both the need for mobile application development and the need for Cloud Computing development on both the server and the clientside.

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IIE Higher Certificate in IT in Support Services

Introduction to IIE Higher Certificate in IT in Support Services

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We live in a world where connectivity is key and the field of information technology is dynamic and constantly in a flux of change. This IIE Higher Certificate is for anyone with a keen interest in working in the fast paced field of information technology support. It is designed for prospective students who would like to exercise their problem solving abilities, an abundance of patience and have the desire to juggle multiple projects simultaneously. This qualification will provide the required technical support, computer skills and knowledge that are required for entry level positions as support technicians in the ICT industry.

What is this Higher Certificate’s accreditation status?

The IIE’s Higher Certificate in IT Support Services (HSS) is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and is registered by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) as a 132-credit qualification on level 5 (SAQA ID: 81866).

Career opportunities: What careers areas can I pursue after I have completed the IIE Higher Certificate?

  • Support Technician
  • Help Desk Support Technician
  • Network LAN Technician
  • Systems Support

The IIE is accredited by The British Accreditation Council

The IIE is internationally recognised and accredited by The British Accreditation Council (BAC). The BAC has been responsible for setting standards within the independent further and higher education sector for 25 years. Their accreditation is held by hundreds of colleges in the UK and overseas. They provide the leading mark of educational quality for the sector, which is used by students, parents, agencies and beyond as a guarantee of standards.

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